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For daily inspirational reflections on the
Bhagavad-gita by Chaitanya Charan

Inspired by
Srila Prabhupada

Chaitanya Charan

Life Coach
Motivational Speaker
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Chhava movie sacrifice of life and life of sacrifice
Hindi - Knowing the person behind the preacher: Chaitanya Charan and Shikshashtakam Prabhu
Bhakti Sanga Interview With HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu Dec 2024
Rama-Sita wedding How their eternal love can guide our earthly love
Bharat Maharaj pastime analysis: How we get distracted and reinstated spiritually
Deviated through seva and sadhana? Pune BCEC Brahmchari class
Science & spirituality how to harmonize IISc Bangalore
Mind management IISc Bangalore
How to overcome distraction and get restored on our spiritual journey By HG Chaitanya Charan Pr
Hinduism and ISKCON attacked in Bangladesh
Can sexuality and spirituality go together?
If our mind feels suffocated due to difficulties on multiple fronts, is it ok to compromise on some spiritual standards?
I was born in another Vaishnava tradition, but I find Krishna consciousness more logical; if I take to Krishna consciousness ,am I being unfaithful to my birth tradition?
How can we dedicate more of our wealth and time to serve Krishna when those are needed for our family responsibilities?
How could Akrura be a part of a plot to kill Krishna's relative and malign Krishna?
This world is a place of distress - does this mean we always have to live in distress?
If problems come upon us simply by our past karma, what is the use of bhakti?
Did Bhishma starve Shakuni's family to death, thus making Shakuni plot to destroy Bhishma's family?
If a gynaecologist is professionally obligated to do abortion, do they get karma?
South Africa's Economic Collapse A Bhagavad - Gita Perspective?
India Train Crash: A Bhagavad Gita Perspective
Responding to attacks on devotees in Bangladesh
The Kashmir Files Reflection: Tolerance at the cost of truth destroys both
Prabhupada — the transcendentalist who embodied the best of the traditionalist, the existentialist and the utopianist
How to overcome hypertension, anxiety and depression during the pandemic
While the world slept ...
By using the lower case pronoun for Krishna, aren't you minimizing his position?
"Unplanned" movie exposes the planned denial of reality surrounding abortion
The knowledge of the arrogant defeats the purpose of knowledge
When people just don’t get it …
How to Speak Effectively & Resolve Conflicts part 1 By HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu
Gopi-Gita Series | Pune | 2024
Diwali Significance - How To Understand & Explain The Various Celebrations Series
 Six characteristics of bhakti Series
Krishna’s love Realize Reciprocate Relish Series
Ramayana Relationships & Mental Health Series
The bhakti journey Series
Appreciating Radhanath Maharaja’s mood
Sthita Prajna Series
Empower your preaching
World Religions
Wisdom on Wisdom
Winning with emotional intelligence
When the source of liberation becomes the source of illusion
When spiritual life gives poison instead of nectar
When life hurts
When advice works and when vice works
What your phone can teach you about your mind
What cricket can teach us about life
Vamana pastime analysis
Understanding what is our quota in material life
Understanding the unborn’s understandings
Understanding the mind through four animal metaphors
Understanding Surrender – Meditation on Prabhupada’s prayer Markine Bhagavata Dharma
Understanding rasa-lila
Understanding how our mind makes us misunderstand
Understanding Destiny
Understanding attachment, detachment and commitment
Those eighteen days
The Son of the Sun
The power of gratitude
The Monk’s Podcast
Tap the mind, don’t be trapped by the mind
Spiritualizing our relationships – Alachua 2018
Spiritualizing our relationships
Spiritual Seekers Retreat ?
Spiritual Perspectives on Material Beauty
Spiritual Lessons from Car Driving
Special Days Meditations
Six limbs of surrender
Shakuni Character Analysis
Sensitivity in relationships
Self-destruction Strategies Series
Seeking Karuna Amidst Corona
Responsible Relationships
Ramayana series at Phoenix
Ramayana series
Ramayana Reflection
How to Speak Effectively & Resolve Conflicts part 1 By HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu
Gopi-Gita Series | Pune | 2024
Diwali Significance - How To Understand & Explain The Various Celebrations Series
 Six characteristics of bhakti Series
Krishna’s love Realize Reciprocate Relish Series
Ramayana Relationships & Mental Health Series
The bhakti journey Series
Appreciating Radhanath Maharaja’s mood
Sthita Prajna Series
Empower your preaching
India Train Crash: A Bhagavad Gita Perspective
Responding to attacks on devotees in Bangladesh
The Kashmir Files Reflection: Tolerance at the cost of truth destroys both
Prabhupada — the transcendentalist who embodied the best of the traditionalist, the existentialist and the utopianist
How to overcome hypertension, anxiety and depression during the pandemic
While the world slept ...
By using the lower case pronoun for Krishna, aren't you minimizing his position?
"Unplanned" movie exposes the planned denial of reality surrounding abortion
The knowledge of the arrogant defeats the purpose of knowledge
When people just don’t get it …

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