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14.11 – Are we clearing the inner fog?

Driving through a fog is arduous and dangerous: arduous because we have to constantly strain to see what lies ahead and dangerous because despite our most strenuous efforts we may still miss a deadly hazard.

Yet throughout most of our life we struggle to drive through a dense inner fog: the fears, cravings and indecisions that crowd and cloud our inner vision. We fear the countless things that may go wrong. We crave for the innumerable things we desire to do, possess or enjoy. And we just can’t decide which fears and cravings we need to address and in what priority.

Driving through this inner fog is arduous and dangerous. It is arduous because we have to constantly strain to just get a clear vision of what we need to do, leave alone doing it single-pointedly. And it is dangerous because due to the absence of a long-term vision we may at any moment get into things that seem pleasurable initially but turn out to be lamentable eventually.

Thankfully, the inner fog is not compulsory; we can choose to clear it. The Bhagavad-gita (14.11) indicates that when we cultivate the mode of goodness, all our senses become illuminated with knowledge. By revealing how most of our fears are imaginary and unnecessary, this illumination enables us to focus on our genuine concerns. By exposing how most of our cravings are trivial and insubstantial, it helps us concentrate on our authentic aspirations. By clarifying our concerns and aspirations, it gives us a solid framework for sound decision-making.

How can we become internally illuminated? By daily and diligently investing time in devotional practices like scriptural study and prayerful meditation that elevate us to goodness and beyond to transcendence.

When we thus clear the inner fog, our drive through life becomes smooth, safe and swift.


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