
Is sannyasa forbidden in Kali-yuga? If so, then why does ISKCON give sannyasa?

Important points from the answer:

1. The same Brahma-vaivarta Purana that contains the verse forbidding sannyasa also contains the following verse that glorifies sannyasa: 

dandam kamandalum rakta-vastram matranca dharayet

 nityam pravasi naikatra sa sannyasiti kirttitah

“A sannyasi accepts only a danda, water-pot, and saffron-cloth and resides near a village – this is the wealth of the sannyasa asrama.” (Brahma-vaivarta Purana 2.36.9) 

  2. Lord Chaitanya’s guru Sripada Isvara Puri Gosvami and his guru’s godbrothers Sri Svarupa Damodara, Paramananda Puri, Ranga Puri, Visnu Puri, Brahmananda Bharati, Kesava Puri, Govinda Puri, Sukhananda Puri, Brahmananda Puri, Nrsingha Puri and Nrsingha Tirthawere all in the renounced order of life.    



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