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16.09 – Why sentence ourselves to meaninglessness, purposelessness and joylessness?

Skeptics often ask, “What is the use of devoting so much time to God?”

Little do they understand that Krishna brings meaning, purpose and joy to life:

  • Meaning because our Krishna-connection reassures that that no matter how meaningless life’s events seem to be, Krishna by his benevolent orchestration will ensure the eventual emergence of meaning.
  • Purpose because our Krishna-connection reminds us that no matter how many of our life’s intermediate purposes get foiled, life’s ultimate purpose – eternal reunion with Krishna in his ever-ecstatic abode – stands firm forever, inviting us on and on.
  • Joy because our Krishna-connection rejuvenates us with devotional memories and experiences that demonstrate the reality, vibrancy and beauty of Krishna’s love for us.

Those who severe their Krishna-connection sentence themselves to meaninglessness, purposelessness and joylessness. That is the fate of atheists, as the Bhagavad-gita (16.09) indicates. They try to conceal the emptiness of their lives by frantic materialistic pursuits that range from the detrimental (ahitah) to the destructive (kshayaya). Most people today may not be overtly atheistic, but they are practically atheistic. They consider Krishna to be an insignificant incidental part of their lives, a cultural artifact to be offered ritual tribute on holy days. Such nominal theism does little to relive the inevitable emptiness that pervades their heart. As is evident from their frenzied obsession with television, spectator sports, social networking or similar distractions that are essentially cover-ups for their inner emptiness. But all the frenzy ends in futility. Inevitably. No substitute can fill the heart from which Krishna has been exiled.

As spiritual seekers, we won’t exile Krishna. But when we neglect our spiritual practices, we subject ourselves to similar inner emptiness.

By cultivating a healthy fear of that emptiness and diligently sticking to our spiritual practices, we can keep our heart filled and fulfilled.


Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world.


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