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What can we do when religions use surrogate advertising for converting unsuspecting needy people?

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Quote of Francis delighting in Deity desecration:

“I would gather all the boys of the village and go to the place where they had  made and worshipped the idols; and then the dishonour heaped on the devi was greater than the honour paid to him by the parents and relations of the boys at the time when they made and venerated the idols. For the boys would take the idols and break them to tiny pieces, and then they would spit on them and trample them under foot and do other things which perhaps it is better not to record in detail, thus showing their contempt for the one who had the impertinence to demand the veneration of their fathers.” (Francis Xavier in a letter to Father Ignatius,  Quoted in S. C. Neill, A History of Christianity in India: The Beginnings to ad 1707, 146.)

[p.s In yesterday’s QA on conversion, the link of the huffington post article had got broken. The correct link is posted here:


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