The Following transcriptions have been uploaded.

What is the Vedic perspective on passive euthanasia?

When we are attracted to material things through our senses, whereas Krishna is spiritual, how can Krishna be considered all-attractive?

Does taking anti-depressant drugs as medicine violate the no intoxication principle?

Why does the Gita use a setting of war to convey its transcendental message when such a setting can be abused to provoke communal violence?

How is the holy name different from ordinary sound?

Is the holy name transcendental or immanent?

Has the Lord come under Maya in Kali-yuga that he is not able to protect Deities?

Why do the Bhagavatam and the Mahabharata describe the same stories differently?

Why did Krishna and others not try to reform Duryodhana as reformation is the ultimate goal?

What are the authentic sources for learning the Mahabharata?

How did a ciranjeevi Ashwatthama fight against the virtuous Pandavas?

Did Duryodhana have any good qualities?






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