“Relishing Shikshashtakam” – Course in New Raman Reti, Alachua, Florida

September 3 – 5 (10 am – 12:30 pm and 3 – 5:30 pm each day) The Siksastakam is one of the most important works of Gaudiya Vaisnavism, being the composition of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. It spans the entire gamut of the devotional journey from a seeker’s level to a seer’s level. In sweet and profound verses, it gives us guidelines for deepening our relationship with Krishna and His eminently accessible manifestation as the holy name.
Bhaktivinoda Thakura considered the Siksastakam to be of such sublime importance that he wrote a full commentary on it. Drawing from his commentary, as well as the wisdom given by his preceding and succeeding acaryas, including and especially our Srila Prabhupada, this seminar will illumine the breadth and the depth of bhakti-yoga centered on the chanting of the holy names:
Breadth of bhakti in terms of how it encompasses our whole life and our attitudes towards life’s ups and downs, empowering us to go through and grow through them with humility and tolerance.
Depth of bhakti in terms of how it unleashes the strongest emotions hidden in the deepest recesses of the soul and elevates them to the loftiest level of selfless love, as manifested by Lord Caitanya while embodying the paragon of all devotion, Srimati Radharani.
Replete with practical insights, illustrated through PowerPoint slides and complemented with abundant time for discussion, this Siksastakam seminar will help devotees connect at a deeper and stronger level with Krishna and His holy names by following this natural sequence of topics:
1. The six-pronged flame of the supreme sacrifice of the holy name.
(Siksastakam text 1)
2. The mysterious non-difference of Krishna and His holy names.
(Siksastakam text 2)
3. Humility is not self-pity; tolerance is not passivity — channeling the power of humility and tolerance.
(Siksastakam text 3)
4. Rise beyond attachment and detachment to commitment.
(Siksastakam text 4)
5. We are unqualified, but we are never disqualified.
(Siksastakam text 5)
6. The transcendental is beyond the sentimental and the judgmental.
(Siksastakam text 6)
7. Love in separation is the sweetness of fullness in emptiness.
(Siksastakam text 7)
8. Selfless devotion is not less for the self, but is infinitely more
(Siksastakam text 8)
You can register for the course here:


The course will be held at: Krishna Institute 13009 NW 151 Rd, Alachua, Fl 32615 info@krishnainstitute.org Tel: (386) 315-2992
For more information, you can contact here: http://krishnainstitute.org/contact/

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