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Is comparing capitalism or communism with varnashrama like comparing apples and oranges?

Is comparing capitalism or communism with varnashrama like comparing apples and oranges because the first two are deemed failures materially whereas the third is deemed successful spiritually?

If varna classification is natural (engaging one according to their propensity), then what is the benefit of varna system in todays society? Somehow, felt like capitalism, communism (oranges) vs spirituality (apple) comparison. Because two are judged on material scale and then varnasrama on spirituality. Is nt the question, can varnasrama be better at both material and spiritual scales? Its like saying to the poor and needy, I don’t have food for you, but if you seek I could show you God. We might lose societal relevance here. If varnasrama fails on material scale itself, then people wont bother to consider it for spiritual.

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