Chapter Three


Gita 03.01 - The Gita's complex multi-level message is intellectually challenging and fulfilling
Gita 03.02 - When scripture doesn't fit into our mental framework, the framework needs change
Gita 03.03 - Krishna's instructions are not contradictory, but multi-level
Gita 03.04 - Don’t equate the external with the essential
Gita 03.05 - Inaction is unnatural, materially and spiritually
Gita 03.06 - Outer renunciation with inner sensual contemplation is self-delusion
Gita 03.07 - Regulation is more conducive for advancement than renunciation
Gita 03.08 - Material duty maintains material stability and facilitates spiritual focus
Gita 03.09 - Nature of action is determined by its intent, not its form
Gita 03.10 - Don't let familiarity take the mystery out of nature
Gita 03.11 - We live not just in a universe but in a universal government
Gita 03.12 - Secular humanism makes humans honest thieves
Gita 03.13 - See God not just as the provider of food but also as its enjoyer.mp3 Gita 11.37 kasmac ca te nameran mahatman .mp3
Gita 03.14 - The principle of cosmic exchange is not pre-scientific but universal
Gita 03.15 - Yajna makes the transcendental accessible
Gita 03.16 - Those who don't sacrifice waste their life
Gita 03.17 - Only those who rejoice internally are released from external duty
Gita 03.18 - The independent are bound to neither action nor renunciation
Gita 03.19 - Detached dutifulness opens the door to perfection
Gita 03.20 - Examples make the conceptual tangible
Gita 03.21 - We learn from others' examples and set examples for others
Gita 03.22 - Krishna's supreme position redefines duty as lila
Gita 03.23 - Walk your talk
Gita 03.24 - Krishna turns on its head Arjuna's argument about varna-sankara
Gita 03.25 - The detached and the attached differ not in action but in intention
Gita 03.26 - Don't exhibit your high level - attract people to one level higher
Gita 03.27 - Mistaking initiation of action with its execution is illusion
Gita 03.28 - To know the truth means to see how spirit can stay disentangled from matter during action
Gita 03.29 - The wise should elevate, not agitate, the ignorant
Gita 03.30 - Focus not on detaching from the entangling but on attaching to the liberating
Gita 03.31 - Krishna's words are eternal and faith-worthy
Gita 03.32 - Turning away from Krishna defeats the purpose of knowledge
Gita 03.33 - Our varna nature needs to be channelized, not repressed
Gita 03.34 - Don't let sensory urges steal dharmic credits
Gita 03.35 - Credit lies in sticking to duty under duress, not in changing duty
Gita 03.36 - Alien desires become our own and impel us to sin
Gita 03.37 - Inner enemies are more dangerous than outer enemies
Gita 03.38 - No one is exempt from lust's delusion
Gita 03.39 - The eternal enemy blinds, binds and burns
Gita 03.40 - Lust has taken over our knowledge-acquiring mechanism
Gita 03.41 - Regulation is the foundation for purification
Gita 03.42 - In the line of fire from lust the soul is the last
Gita 03.43 - Use intelligence to pursue transcendence and subdue lust