Krishna Charitra Series by HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhuji – Part 3 – Lord Krishna in Kurukshetra
And then it shifts all the way from 1 from the one side of the bank to the other side of the bank. Now exactly what are the reasons he does that. We do that when we focus on. However, there is always in life, like, this tension between safety and activity. Isn’t it?
The shifts are safest in the rock, but ships are not going to be in the rock. So like that, we could have say, you did it right. I go on my mobile. So I’ll not go on my mobile. Let me try to edit the who is not much in their own country because they have so many things to do in other countries.
So now what is the optimal optimal balance with safety and activity? This same principle we applied to us have 9 sales. There use our strength. That’s one thing. And then what requires strength.
What requires strength, but it and enable service. So this balance is always dynamic. So all that Krishna is doing outside, It culminates in the. So we will talk about 3 broad things. And as god is omnipotent.
As god is omnipotent, we can do everything. Now that is not very helpful for us to learn anything practical in our lives because we are omnivoted. So we can also look at it how Krishna is strategic in what he does, how Krishna is very intelligent in him letting him has very different meanings, but broadly, there are 2 meanings. One meeting is social and the other is individual. So when Arjuna starts the discussion, he’s asking the individual.
Uh-huh. I want to know what the right people. So each one of us needs to do the right thing. Say, if you’re a company, Just to set an example for individuals because all the individuals don’t have omni moments at their home. They have to navigate their challenges in a practical way.
And how do we intellectually fix whatever power we have? So that means what I’m saying is, but here, pause on the importance is shown. Here, there is shown. Krishna has to establish the market of love, but there’s a lot of other action happening. So if they’re at home and you can just be the somebody love with the allowance.
But if somebody know you, I’ll be fighting. So then you will show that I care for you, I love you, I’m fighting for the influence. Or that will be embracing and tagging and all those kind of things. Yeah. So I’m is in a disempowered condition.
They are princess, but they are few months in this, heading. This is after the 1 hour, fire. And then that relationship is moving forward. There are many key elements in that. So Krishna is helping the founder of us in various ways.
To eliminate poverty or be persecuted. So then, the Russia has an apparent fairness when he used to find out how to And then that is the time where Krishna and all the allies will post. And then she respond, but alliance is a little more for a boost group. So Krishna becomes for Arjuna and then they fight. And then the is.
And then after this whole thing happens, Indra is. Now Indra says that the guy is good. I literally got to share the word also, but he’s playing in Google. So at that time, Indra says that, principle in politics in all of it. What is that?
Try for the best. Prepare for the worst. So because the principle for life, we try to bring the best out there, but we prepare for the worst. So the the try for the best means they seek peace. And there are multiple rounds of negotiation that happen, but preparing for the worst wins, seek allies.
At the final one, I’m forming alliances where for war happens, we are ready for the war. So much of what has happened in Indian history, we’ll talk about why that has happened, is that Indians have chosen only one side sequence. For example, the person is say, right now, any anything that happens to that person that could be explained within one causal framework, time and the time is too fast. It could be because I need some code yesterday. It could be because I have a respiratory tract issue.
It could be because there is some general environment. There could be many different causes. So now the focus when we are missing a problem is what is the most actionable cost. I will say if I am getting bored because there is a climate change. Okay.
That may be a pause, but what can I do? Let me think right now. Plan in advance. So Krishna has multiple plans to do. So this is this is important to understand that sometimes when he has to go with us early, Krishna, How is it?
Why the beginning only? You know, these things are not going to work. Then why come there? So the nature of the word is sometimes through one action. Just like I was telling earlier that, a situation can have any causes.
Right? There is an effect. What makes karma complicated? Many things. But one of the things is that an effect can come from multiple causes.
Multiple causes can combine to give it. So we have pause 1 and then that’s cause. So it cause n. But conversely, what it means is that one cause one action can have multiple events. So our calls can have effect 1, effect 2, like, effect 10.
So we can see seek one effect and that effect may not come. And this is a video. But some other effort may come by. And and that effect comes back to the success. So at one level, Krishna has come out of these messages.
And Krishna has to say, it’s not going to work. Krishna says, I want to make sure that the work knows that this work will not always be a part of us. The call of this work work with the cover of us. So the plan is avoid your work. Plan b is make sure to demonstrate who is the call workers.
So now if you consider plan a is completely frustrated by the little than the. But that very obviously actually fully plays into Krishna’s plan. Each of them leaves their space, and that’s why I do this. There is nothing for the can you go to the pandas person? Everybody gives their space.
So And what is the amount of bones? Actually, the demons have devours within the forest. And after 18 years, they have bind up And Krishna himself doesn’t rely on it constant. Constant. You figures?
Krishna use occasionally can actually make his goals. If Alina starts playing his brothers and he starts despise his brothers, he starts criticizing his brothers. All that’s going to do is to focus on? There could be many causes. We could 0 it on.
Which cause to focus on? We need to focus on the cause that is actionable. Actionable means that will lead to constructive change. Because that that we will also take calls and focus on a particular cause at that particular time. That is important.
Now does there that the cause and not respond for it? And, yes, they would be important. But at that point, it’s not the most important to those. So when we say our response to the state, if the legal state was or so that our response to the state is a legal state. So what does that mean?
That means we start focusing on the pause that is not really we would place it in multiple causal frameworks. And it will the other element causal framework is that is void. It doesn’t have the void. But we don’t have to place everything immediately in that causal field. So depending on which causal framework causal framework is okay.
This was caused by this. So so which pause do we focus on? So, you know, there are different pauses that are responsible. So we need to focus on the pause that makes things better. Suppose that the increment is.
Now we could say that, okay. What is the that I’ve been on this side. That I’ve been on the wall and this is good enough. And while the founders outside and other than the job inside, that was because of JED. Now JED knew whether what he was doing.
See, even in the war time, there was some sense of equality. Even Ashwat, for example, wanted to touch. Ashwatama said, you know, you are my son. You are like my son. Don’t make me angry.
I don’t want to kill me. Came in between at that time, he knew what he was doing. He was basically not just showing his power, not just using the the blessing that she had given him and showing how you can stop the pandas. You know, stop the pandas or you and you did. But he used that time, and he he is going to use.
That’s why Anjuna directed his anger at. So I I thought we were gonna use that and. And the next day, the was killed. It was the most morale shattering day for the. Because their entire army was deployed.
Just stop. I do I’m not from the detail, and yet I do not reach it. So they come but entire army can’t stop 1 more of the opposite. And how can you stop the entire army? So it just became completely what I’ll check with it.
And he doesn’t get up. Entirely can’t get this one So the thing is that bad things happen in the sport all the time. That’s just the nature of the world watching. Now that doesn’t mean that they all have a deep happening. That doesn’t mean that it is passively accepted.
So when Arjuna had done everything he could, then Krishna did what Arjuna did. So when we do everything that we can, then god will do what we can’t. But that’s also. That’s why we didn’t take this now. We’re done something in the moment.
And what can we do about it. So devotees as a matter of functioning in the world, it’s not that devotees rely on Krishna’s own default and follow that. So which cause will be focusing? So take it, let’s say that, at one level, people say, hey. This is just user analysis, And this is the type of exclusion and that is the part of all problems in the world and this business is we will graduate on that one call.
And then there is knowledge So we could say that this is not the cause at all. So people say, okay. You know, there are people who are poor and people that were yeah. They get radicalized because they have most of chances of prospects in their life. They get radicalized.
They become terrorists. And they look at is that you have to explore the investment to take one cause and make it be the only cause. To take it as to take one thing, push the other, take us to take one call and make it into the only cause. This is knowledge in our. So we will say that knowledge in the model influence is where whatever it may be.
In whatever area, you can just find one cause and in that, the only cause. This is the cause of all the problems. How does that happen? That means that the we seek more and more knowledge about only that particular loss, And then the ignorance is expanded for the knowledge. The knowledge simply expands the growth.
We will also take notes. This is the cause of all the problems in the world. There are 2 things that I would talk about is that I can do this, that we cannot with the we take one cause and the strong cause. And the other extreme is no reference to that cause at all. So in this particular, the particular cause is not at all, and the other is that cause is free and the only cause.
So actually, extruders are kinder than exclusives. Extruded say, you’re going to go to hell anyway. Why are you late? So now again, what is happening is? One thing is and one thing is very well.
That’s. So the. Islam. And in writing on them. So the problem is not Islam person.
It is So was not a. That that we are the best in the world. And then that. So now can exclusion come to the ideology is possible. Now is it that some ideologies are more likely to cause extrusion than others?
That’s also possible. I think though I will be there, we have to get to our. But we need to recognize that it is extrusion which arises from. That is the cause. Now if that comes from particular pathways, those pathways need to be addressed.
But if it fixate too much of those pathways, then that is not the case. In the Abhavad Gita, the cause that we that we can the cause by focusing on which we can do something about it. So what can we do about it in this? Like, I started Dharma at a societal level at a societal level, we need to increase our influence. What we call as, is it word word?
Not long. Logging is a negative word. But I notice that each region or each group has its own interests, and those groups, they advocate their interests. So if you see our group, like, 5 or 10 years ago, and we may say we are we get a but the world is gonna see the. So that so we need to work with other groups as have more advocacy.
I I have remote friends. There are many Jews working on remotes, and the one junior is actually working with many Indian leaders. Not just. So what, what some people have done is that that these devotees, they they are not. They are Indians are not.
But the religion that leads to. It’s a very exclusive mix. So the devotees on there, right now, not all of them are. That is the only one to stay. We have a large.
So for them, it is important that people can’t accuse them of just being Indians in Bangladesh. That’s why Indian devotees of India or Indian government acting too aggressively support it. It is also action right now, but it will form into the feeling. See, now when somebody is being targeted, are they targeted? We go to that region.
And there’s a lot of not just targeting right where we have to target it right. But it was just indiscriminate. So for us at this level, you didn’t fix it on one cause, and that may actually be counterproductive at the ground level. So at an individual level, what can we do? So in those who are.
So But So they’re voice in the keyboard wires. People speak a lot of lot of inflammatory things. And how exactly those things will be utilized, that depends on time case that is not easy in this particular case as a skin there, including the field of, quality of materials. But those who are not. What do we do at that point?
So we understand that that we all are parts of a computer reality, and we have our part to do. And then we discuss about the Hana Karma working there. One action can have multiple results. And conversely, one result may be coming from multiple causes. So we need to look at which is the most constructive analysis.
Krishna does that, you know, that don’t the wise, they act in such a way to make things better. So which cause to focus on? Which action for the state, which action to take, which action to pursue? So we see that Krishna’s plan itself. Krishna’s So how does trying to lead men?
In the scripture itself, there’s there’s multiple ways in which discussed about what And then lastly, and it’s just about what can we do at a moment from the. The enemy the enemy is not a political ideology of the enemies. A more one. A more one means to extremes. This is the only part of the problem.
This is the only action that is followed up. Either of this. Let’s say, if I did apologize, In fact, the SSR session that we do here, you know, 12 sessions of the staff without any appreciation could take less or even 60% content is from your points that we have wrapped and we took it in different insights and all those questions. And I think this, explanation that you’re told about cause and effects is very important because often, you know, emotionally, we react on it. My humble request would be, you know, if you can go one more step in this saying how to identify the actionable path, and how to control the emotions or rather understand the emotions, then we make the decision.
You know, we experience it many times. You know? It’s it’s we understood that there are many causes. We are to act on the actionable cause. This is my personal effort.
Many times, I struggle with the future. You know? What when whatever little bit we’re doing, so many, challenges come, and and immediately impulse impulse will be react and we pay the price for it. And then we start thinking and in the product spectrum, we try c, we try c, we try c, we try c, then it is okay. Maybe Krishna doesn’t want it to happen.
To him? Or maybe he’s already doing, but we’re not seeing how he is. So how do I identify what an actionable cost and how do we control our emotions or manage our emotions when we have to when we have to make a decision? You know, there’s, practically, you know, in day to day life. Not only as a teacher, in fact, you know, today, I’m going to address a very big form of, industries in the office.
And, I was thinking what to speak with this. So I already got some content on what to speak with. I’m not gonna work exactly, but, So I my little knowledge, I read a very little also. I’ve got very little. I couldn’t find anywhere.
1. Balancing Safety and Activity:
The discussion begins with a metaphor about ships navigating from one side of a bank to the other, which represents the balance between safety and action. Just as a ship is safest when docked but cannot achieve its purpose unless it sails, individuals must balance staying in a safe zone with taking necessary actions in life. This balance is dynamic, meaning it needs constant adjustment depending on the situation.
2. Action Based on Strength:
The speaker explains that we need to identify our strengths and use them in actions that benefit us and others. This is where Krishna’s strategic actions come into play—Krishna’s intelligence and strategy are highlighted, showing that his actions are not impulsive but well thought out, addressing both individual needs and broader social contexts. This speaks to the importance of intellectual growth and choosing the right actions based on the situation.
3. The Role of Krishna:
Krishna’s omnipotence is acknowledged, but it’s pointed out that his actions in the Bhagavad Gita are not arbitrary. Krishna’s approach is to guide Arjuna (and through him, all individuals) in making decisions that balance personal and social responsibilities. Krishna’s teachings emphasize the importance of doing what’s right, not merely for individual salvation but for the greater good of society.
4. Navigating Challenges with Strategic Planning:
The example of Arjuna’s dilemmas is used to explain that life’s challenges often have multiple causes and effects. The speaker suggests that understanding the causes of our problems is key, but the focus should always be on the most actionable cause—the one that can lead to constructive change. This requires us to think ahead and make plans, similar to how Krishna plans his interventions strategically.
5. The Complex Nature of Karma:
The concept of karma is explored, showing that one action can have multiple results, and conversely, one result can come from multiple causes. This reinforces the idea that life is not simple, and the cause-and-effect relationship is not always linear. Therefore, individuals must be discerning in identifying the most relevant causes that they can address.
6. Dealing with Emotional Reactions:
One of the key struggles mentioned is emotional reactions. The speaker acknowledges that it’s easy to be impulsive and react emotionally to situations. However, the more constructive approach is to identify the actionable cause that can lead to positive change and act on that. Managing emotions in decision-making is crucial for this—when emotions cloud judgment, it’s important to pause, assess the situation, and choose the best course of action, rather than reacting impulsively.
7. Exclusion vs. Inclusion in Societal Contexts:
There’s a segment where the conversation turns to societal issues, discussing how some ideologies or belief systems can be exclusionary, while others seek broader inclusion. It highlights that focusing too much on one cause or ideology can be counterproductive, leading to division rather than progress. The example of religious and political dynamics in India is used to emphasize the importance of recognizing multiple perspectives and working with other groups to advocate for shared interests, rather than clinging to narrow viewpoints.
8. Strategic Leadership and Influence:
The speaker suggests that in both personal and professional settings, especially in leadership roles, one must act strategically to manage crises, build alliances, and influence others. This is reflected in how Krishna interacts with the Pandavas, helping them navigate the challenges they face. Leaders need to make decisions that benefit the larger community, recognizing that actions often have ripple effects.
9. Practical Takeaways:
The speaker reflects on personal struggles, particularly the challenge of making decisions under emotional pressure. The advice given is to focus on what’s actionable, not on the noise of extraneous causes, and to manage emotions by recognizing them but not allowing them to control decisions. Understanding that God or a higher power may already be working in ways that are unseen is also a key takeaway: when we do our part, we trust that the larger plan will unfold.
The overarching message is about strategic decision-making, recognizing the interconnectedness of causes and effects, and managing emotions for better outcomes. It encourages individuals to focus on practical solutions and to understand the complex, dynamic nature of life’s challenges. The conversation ties back to Krishna’s wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita, suggesting that we too can learn to act wisely and strategically by reflecting on our strengths, managing our emotions, and focusing on what’s most constructive in any given moment.
If you’re dealing with complex decisions or emotional reactions, it’s helpful to apply the principle of identifying the “actionable cause” and focusing your energy on solutions that can lead to real, positive change.
Thankyou very much…