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A New Year Is Here – Are We Here? – A poem with New Year wishes by Chaitanya Charan

A new year is here — are we here?

A hard, hard year has just ended,
Yet many normal things remain suspended
Leaving us with problems far greater than we’d conceived
Exposing our existence to be frailer than we’d believed
There’s light at the end of the tunnel, we are told.
Yet the end seems too far away for us to behold.

Life is a coin, whose one side is insecurity
Flip the coin, and there lies opportunity.
The opportunity to be here in the present
Leaving behind the past that we resent
Fearing not the future that we can’t see
Knowing we are where we’re meant to be.

Our Lord is forever within us, in our solitary heart
Raising beautiful flowers in broken soil is his art
What we see as broken, he sees as a work in progress
His glorious plan for us goes on, even through life’s duress
The world is the soil where our soul blossoms brighter
As he makes our path clearer, mind wiser, heart lighter

Seek first to do what is right in his eyes
Not to make the world right in our eyes
Let’s be here with him, open to improvement
And he will enrich us through life’s every movement
Resolve to be with the One who is omnipresent
And every moment will convey his loving present


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