When different religious groups have their own scriptures how is the authority of Vaishnava scriptures to be established?
How to choose between doing our worldly repsonsibilities devotionally and doing directly devotional activities?
If we have canine teeth for eating meat, then doesn’t it go against the regulative principle of no meat-eating?
Gita 03.12 – Consciousness is our contribution to the cosmic cycle and satisfaction will be our return
Are the intelligence and ego just transformations of the mind or are they constitutionally different?
While writing articles should we write about topics connected with our personal lives or about unconnected topics?
Why did Bhima kill Duryodhana unfairly by hitting him below the waist during their final battle in the Mahabharata war?
If Krishna’s ultimate instruction is to give up all duties for surrendering to him why shouldn’t everyone join the temple?
If the Supersoul is present in all atoms and the space between them, what is special about the Superoul in our heart?