Lakshmi Narasimha Karuna Rasa Stotra 8 – Beware of the fruit that promises happiness but delivers misery
Are the five rasas progressive? What is the difference between rasa and bhava? Does rasa grow into bhava?
Lakshmi-Narasimha Karuna-rasa-stotra 7: Counter the poison coming from the fangs of the sense objects with the nectar of devotion
Value Education and Spirituality 2 – Our values serve as protecting fences and as focusing default settings
Value Education and Spirituality 1 – What we value determines our values – and our values determine our value
Gita 10.25 – Chanting involves sacrficing that which is most dear to us for the one who is the most dear to us
Chitrakavitvani 2 – Chanting doesn’t make us give up what we naturally like to do – it enables us to do it better and do it for the best purpose
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 6 10.01.36-44 – Vasudeva expertly uses sama, dama and bheda to pacify Kamsa
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 3 – 10.01.14-20 – The glory of the speakers and hearers of the Bhagavatam
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 2 – 10.05.01-13 – Krishna is everyone’s benefactor – I long to hear about him
Where was Radharani when the rasa-lila was performed? Why is there no mention of her in the Bhagavatam’s rasa-lila narration?
Gita 16.14 – Chanting infuses even the ishvara-bhava with dasya-bhava, thus dovetailing the controlling mentality
SB 07.09.39 – The mind’s madness can be controlled by seeking Krishna’s help through the readymade template of the holy name
When the Pandavas meet Krishna after being exiled to the forest, why do neither mention Krishna’s protecting Draupadi during the gambling match?
Venkatesh Stotram 5 – Contemplate Krishna’s personal and reciprocal nature to bring depth and devotion into the mantra meditation
What is the philosophical meaning of common expressions like “My head has become hot” or “My heart is fully satisfied”?
Was the Karna who was defeated by Bhima during the pre-Rajasuya yajna conquest different from the Karna who befriended Duryodhana?
When the Ramayana says monasteries shouldn’t accept donations from women, why does ISKCON accept donations from women?
Is banning books a part of the Abrahamic religions and not of dharmic religions which focused on intellectually debating and defeating opposing ideas not banning them?
Should a devotee work in a devotional project where one can directly serve Krishna or in a secular company by which one can offer more donation?
How can women be said to have their own varna when Prabhupada says that the wife’s varna should be identified by the husband’s varna?
If our nondevotee parents discourage our children’s enthusiasm for bhakti by calling it brainwashing by dangerous cults, how should we respond?
Gita 14.11 The holy name not only brightens the innner landscape as does the mode of goodness but also beautifies it
When people around us force us to things that aren’t according to devotional standards how should we respond?
When we worship God so that he will solve our problems aren’t we bribing God like students who flatter their teachers to get better marks?
As all paramparas are based on beliefs and as Prabhupada’s Gita is an interpretation based on his beliefs why not just follow our own paramapara?
All parents want their children to get married. Then wouldn’t Krishna the supreme parent want his children to become married and not take sannyasa?
Were Valmiki and Vyasadeva eyewitnesses to the full Ramayana and the Mahabharata? Or did they write them based on some historical sources?
When the disciplic succession has many branches, why do we need to connect with it only through Srila Prabhupada’s branch?
When we ask questions how can we know whether we simply want to confirm our pre-conconceptions or seek open-minded understanding?
You have your sampradaya, others like Shiva worshipers have their sampradaya – ultimately it’s all just different beliefs. Why should one sampradaya be considered higher than another?
If we give up our controlling tendency completely won’t we lose our individuality and become like trees who don’t do anything differently?