I am a Physics student. How can I study the Bhagavad-gita scientifically when it seems like a discussion in a story?
If Karna was not stronger than Arjuna why did Kunti weaken him emotionally and Indra weaken him physically before the war?
In the Mahabharata, why are other warriors like Eklavya, Ghatothakcha and Barbarika manipulated to favor Arjuna?
Reviving Love 1 – Para dharma contrasted with apara dharmas like patriotism, be-good and service to parents
Three ways to understand the maha-vadanyaya nature of Lord Chaitanya – the magnitude of the charity, the unworthiness of the recipients and the self-sacrifice of the giver
When Kamsa’s capital Mathura and Kaurava’s capital Hastinapura were so close to each other why is there no record of any conflict between them?
NoI 9 refers to the Mathura in the material world being the birthplace of Krishna as higher than Vaikuntha Where does Mathura in the spiritual world fit in this hierarchy?
When Vali and Sugriva are born from the union of demigods (Indra and Surya with Aruni) why do they have a monkey form?
By hearing about a particular rasa say Madhurya rasa in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, we will become attracted to it But if our svarupa is in a different rasa what will happen?
Is there a hierarchy among the five potent forms of devotional service? Is any one of them the highest?
While chanting is it better to just focus on the holy name or on a mahamantra sticker or on a picture of the Deities?
When bhakti is transcendental, why do scriptures give importance to bodily designations like birth in India or birth in a royal dynasty?
If the soul’s nature is to love and serve Krishna, where does our nature to love and serve worldly things come from?
If dharma meaning to love and serve God is so simple and universal why do so many religions focus on such aggressive conversion?
How does Krishna consciousness practically solve the world’s problems like violence, poverty and drug abuse?
How can we ensure that the give and take between devotees doesn’t become artificial or business-like?
As repeated hearing leads to belief, what is the difference between devotional hearing and indoctrination by religious fanatics?
How is the car-body analogy a good analogy when the car can’t reproduce and the driver can live independent of the car?
Our endeavor play a part in determining the result, so does endeavoring more make the result more likely?
Gita 09.14 Strive to show Krishna our desire to break the blockages of contaminations and he will do the magic
Gita 18.29-39 Choose the intelligence, determination and happiness for attaining auspiciousness (Hindi)
With what attitude should we quote new verses or scriptural points apart from those given In Prabhupada’s books?
How can we practically understand the modes influencing us wrt the jnana karma and karta analysis in Gita 18.20-28?
While explaining the philosophy we sometimes come up with examples that we not have heard in classes. How can we know whether they are realizations or speculations?
Gita 3.9 enjoins yajna for the satisfaction of Vishnu. Then why does the next section talk about the lower level of karma kanda?
What is the connection between the Gita’s fifth and sixth chapters? Is Gita 6.1 a rejection of jnana-yoga?
Gita 2.39 is a linking verse. Which sections in the Gita and which levels in the yoga ladder does it link?
Gita 17.07-16 – Understanding food, sacrifice and austerity from material and transcendental perspectives (Hindi)
Gita 15.15-16.12 – Purushottama – the highest reality and the qualities that define our natures (Hindi)