SB 01.05.07 – Krishna is able and eager to guide us – we just need to express our desire for guidance
SB 01.05.06 – The Lord is detached yet masively active – Meditating on him makes us similarly effective
SB 01.05.05 – Remove the blocks that prevent Krishna’s wisdom from entering our head and his mercy from entering our heart
Announcement: “Spiritual Quotes” started; services needed; Full Bhakti Shastri Course videos uploaded
SB 01.05.02 – Don’t let the quest for physical and mental productivity deprive us of spiritual productivity
SB 01.15.27 – When material reality consumes us, philosophy provides the foundation for seeking shelter in spiritual reality
SB 01.15.24 – Choosing faith can ensure that the very things which may drag us away from Krishna will impel us towards him
SB 01.15-22-23 – Krishna can integrate into his spiritual masteraplan disasters, even self-induced disasters – always choose faith, not doubt
Are the beliefs “kshatriya martyrs attain heaven” & “jehadi suicide bombers attain paradise” different?
SB 01.15.21 – Everything can be reduced to nothing in one moment – seek that which is the source of everything
SB 01.15.20 – Beyond all the wrongs of our life – material and spiritual – is the treasure of remembrance of Krishna
SB 01.15.19 – Humble remembrance of our excesses in our relationship with Krishna lets him break the wall between us
SB 01.15.17 – In the moment of highest glory remember the object of highest glory to attain the destination of highest glory
SB 01.15.16 – Let the activity or passivity of our surrender not distract us from the glory of the one to whom we surrender
SB 01.15.14 – See the Krishna factor to make memories of our achievements into memories of Krishna’s benevolence
SB 01.15.13 – By acknowledging the orgin of our talents in Krishna and keeping him as the goal of our accomplishments, we complete the circle of loving reciprocation
SB 01.15.10 – Let our chanting and our dramatic and traumatic times symbiotically increase our relationship with Krishna
As Brahma has come as Haridasa Thakura what is the meaning of the statement that Maya could tempt Brahma but not Haridas Thakura?
Why do we take shelter of Krishna more in difficult times like exam period but not during sadhana and service?
If Vrajavasis love each other doesn’t that mean Krishna is not all-attractive for he can’t exclusively attract their love?
When devotee-scientists’ books are criticized by mainstream scientists can we quote them as scientific evidence for KC?
Gita Jayanti – The Gita guides us to act with adequate contemplation and appropriate emotion, thereby granting abundant satisfaction