Should devotee read books by nondevotee nationalist thinkers to learn how to protect Vedic culture and actualize varnashrama in today’s society?
SB 11.23.29 – The austerity of fixing the mind on Krishna is the pathway to the ecstasy of pure devotion
Why do we talk about the benefits of chanting when we are meant to chant selflessly for Krishna’s pleasure?
Is our capacity to practice devotional service limited by our prarabhda karma and the resulting guna configuration?
Who has the proof or knowledge that incredibly well-designed natural crystals, the natural arches, or even complicated biological things were designed by someone ‘intelligent’?
If the mechanisms of evolution are just imagination, then isn’t religion also just the imagination of some sages?
Does the spirit soul remain the non-doer in the spiritual world just like he is the non-doer of his activities in the material world?
SB 11.23.27 – Contemplating the ultimate futility of everything material motivates us to focus on the ultimate glory of devotion
SB 11.23.23 – Why stay captivated by the abode of misery instead of being attracted by the abode of ecstasy?
SB 11.23.21 – Devotion protects us from corruption by our own greed and victimization by others greed
In what consciousness should we attend festivals centered on demigod worship that we are obligated to attend?
Aren’t we blaming the victim when we say that women’s revealing dresses are the cause of crimes against them?
SB 5.11.16 – The mind is the foundational designation on avoiding which all other designations crumble
SB 5.11.17 – We can’t neglect the mind by being mind-conscious; we need to be conscious of a reality higher than the mind
SB 5.11.13 – The Lord is transcendental and self-revelatory – beg for his mercy by consistent meditation
SB 5.11.12 – See the mind’s notions as temporary and illusory – and stay fixed in our real and eternal identity
SB 5.11.11 – Don’t be caught in the million misconceptions of the mind, focus in meditation on the One who is beyond them all
SB 5.11.10 – To end acceptance of material identity and activity accept devotional identity and activity
Does the Vishva-rupa’s devouring the Kauravas prove that the Hindu God is a cannibal, as preachers of some other religion claim?