SB 4.9.13 – The experience of Krishna is the ultimate doubt destroyer – Let the holy name give us that experience
09.14 – The more we expect meditation to be a break from hard work, the more meditation becomes hard work
SB 4.9.10 – Devotional happiness is better than all other pleasures inside and outside material existence
SB 4.9.9 – Why give up the eternal for that which is available everywhere and is just the interaction of dead matter?
SB 4.9.8 Be krita-vida (wise) to see the Lord not just as arta-bandho (reliever of distress) but also as apavarga-sharanam (releaser from bondage)
SB 4.9.7 Devotion activates our awareness of Krishna’s latent presence within everything – even our hearts
When our love naturally does not extend to every living being does it mean that we are not actually connect with God’s love?
In the example of returning a lost dollar bill to the owner wouldn’t it be better to say a lost wallet as finding the owner of a dollar bill is impossible?
SB 8.3.28 The power to protect the surrendered and trap the unsurrendered both demonstrate the Lord’s glory
If our philosophy is based on the level of love, why do we talk about sex mostly at the level of fear – fears of its consequences?
When a leader of a devotee community acts unethically should we try to correct the situation or should we leave it in Krishna’s hands?
How can we say that the Garuda Purana verse glorifying the Bhagavatam refers certainly to Bhagavatam as we have it (and not pre-edited version written by Vyasadeva)?
Can we conclude that ‘God’ refers to Lord’s role in material world and ‘Absolute Truth’ conveys the idea of Lord in touch with spiritual energy?
Why the word ‘summum bonum’ is used to convey ‘ultimate source of all energies’, when the word actually means ‘source of all goodness’?
When prominent godmen are accused of sexual assualt how should we respond especially with people who have been following those godmen?
15.10 – Strive not to look good in the eyes of the world; strive to get good eyes to look at the world
When Gita 5.18-25 talks about brahma-nirvana, why does Prabhupada say that impersonalism is troublesom?
Srila Prabhupada – the leader who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way (Vyasa Puja Offering 2013)
Why have Hindus suffered for a thousand years? Why don’t Hindus unitedly fight against their aggressors?
Wasn’t Vedic culture destroyed because of its own faults and not external forces like Macaualay’s schemes?.m4a
Was Vedic education responsible for social evils like caste system that Indian reformers tried to remove by adopting Western education?
Gopi Gita Part 3 SB 10.31.9-19 “Your remembrances doesn’t decrease but increases our agony – Please appear.” (Janmashtami class)
Gopi Gita Part 2 – SB 10.33.5-8: “Krishna, please bless us with with your hands, your face, your feet and your lips” (Janmashtami class)