When the Bhagavatam declares Krishna to the source of all incarnations then why does it refer to the Supreme by the name Vishnu repeatedly, even in the rasa-lila section?
Isn’t the Hindu belief that girls are the result of bad karma and boys the result of good karma responsible for female foeticide?
15.09 – When we mistake the mind’s petulance to be bhakti’s impotence, we sentence ourselves to perpetual dissonance
When the tongue is non-living why does King Kulashekarha pray to the tongue in Mukunda Mala Stotra 26?
Should devotees adopt politically correct usages like “senior citizens” for old people or “medical termination of pregnancy” for abortion?
When Krishna tells Arjuna in the Gita to do his duty, why do brahmacharis give up their duty in the name of the Gita?
09.28 – Liberation is not just about what we are released from but also about what we are released to
Should devotees do kirtan in drought-afflicted places to produce rains and thereby attract people to devotional service?
Why do scriptures refer to the mind negatively when it is our faculty for deep thought as in “Einstein was the greatest mind of the 20th century”?
When scriptures teach matra devo bhava, why do brahmacharis give up their parents for the sake of God?
05.23 – As long as we mistake the irresistible to be essential, we deprive ourselves of the essential