What is the reason for rituals that don’t promote liberation such as wife worshiping to get the same husband for seven lives
SB 8.3.21 Krishna being transcendental understands our difficulties and sees beyond to them to our devotional heart
How can we deal with doubts rising on seeing that many leading Prabhupada disciples are no longer practicing KC?
Why do many Vedic sages engage in behavior that is lower than the moral standards of modern Vedic practitioners and even many modern atheists?
SB 8.3.19 Speak the Lord’s glories not to remind him but to remind ourselves of them and to express our faith to him
When we could learn so much about Krishna’s glories by asking him about, say, how quantum mechanics and relativity are reconciled, why are his simple pastimes like playing with children considered the highest?
When knowledge comes easier than faith, why does CC say that faith develops in the madhyama stage and knowledge in the uttama stage?
When should we concern ourselves with helping other devotees and when should we mind our own business?
SB 8.3.16 We need purification to approach the Lord, but he can approach us through revelation even when we are impure
What is the basis of the authenticity of those Chaitanya Charitamrita teachings that are not present in the Vedic scriptures?
What is the disciplic succession by which Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami got the knowledge to write the Chaitanya Charitamrita?
If all living beings are God’s children, then isn’t killing plants but not animals like killing the handicapped child of a parent while sparing the healthy child?
SB 8.3.11 To let Krishna give us transcendental happiness, we need to direct our consciousness towards transcendence
Why did Prabhupada recommend worship of Narasimha amongst all avataras? Isn’t this against the principle of peace?