Can we use the word “our spiritual glory” when actually we are meant to be humble servants in spiritual life?
Isn’t it better to do one thing at a time instead of chanting inattentively while doing other things?
Do those who don’t accept that Prabhupada descended from the spiritual world comprise an apasampradaya?
16.01 – Fearlessness comes not by the absence of fear, but by the awareness of a presence that dwarfs fear
Is it right for devotees to say that they are Krishna-tarians when it conveys the idea that we are consuming Krishna the way vegetarians consume vegetables?
What are the kind of questions that fall under counseling questions which you won’t be answering on the site?
If devotees don’t help the needy because of fear of being bound by good karma, aren’t they sacrificing basic humanity for spirituality?
When cows are souls who were cow-killers in their past life, why is killing them considered so sinful?
Why do we glorify George Harrison so much when he was not chanting 16 rounds or following the regulative principles?
Why do you fellas have a problem with evolution? What will you do when genetic cures become the norm?
Can a devotee who longs to go to Golok end up going to one of the Vaikunthas? Can souls from Vaikunthas go to GolokA?
When we fall in our devotional standards, we feel guilty and become discouraged. How should we go ahead at such times?
SB 8.3.2 Philosophical absorption in the Lords glories is not meant only for study time or preaching time
Krishna asked Arjuna to fight but Buddhism supported Ashoka’s resolve not to fight Why the difference?
SB 7.9.50 The resolution to engage in devotional service with the implicit prayer for aid in keeping that resolution is the conclusive prayer
If I am facing problems with my counselor’s behavior towards me, should i tell him directly or to some other senior devotee?
Draupadi called out to the Lord for protection whereas Prahlad just remembered the Lord with faith in his protection. Which attitude is higher?
Are divorces among ISKCON devotees happening because most devotees have Western gurus who subsconsciously Western culture among their disciples?
When we as sadhakas face sufferings, are they due to our past karma or due to Krishna’s arrangement especially when bhakti is said to remove all karmic reactions?
What does the term Gita wisdom refer to in your Gita-daily articles, when it refers to points not present in the Gita?
We devotees are ready to hurt our loved ones for the sake of Krishna and religious zealots are ready to kill others to please their God. What is the difference?
As guilt due to falldown can also be a temptation, should one just neglect guilt and keep practicing devotional service?
If a devotee due to repeated falls feels that I wont be able to go BTG and so becomes discouraged how should we respond to that devotee?
SB 7.9.48 Devotion is not about disconnecting ourselves from the world but about reconnecting everything including ourselves with its source
What should one do if after practising years of devotional service also, one gives in to temptations and falls down?
How can we always be conscious that the Paramatma is present within our heart and hear his inner voice?
When fake godmen are destroying the spiritual life of people isnt it the duty of the government or ISKCON to end this nonsense?
What does the Gita 2.47 purport statement “One who is attached to the result of his work is also the cause of the action” mean?
Tie the bond that sets us free – the bond of devotion to God that frees us from infatuation with the world
Studying the sacred scriptures strengthens the intelligence, stabilizes the mind and sustains the heart
Nothing and no one can separate us from the infinite love of the infinite – Krishna’s love for us is unfailing, unflinching and untiring