If holy places are similar to Vaikuntha and crimes happen there also, how are holy places different from material places?
05.21 – Are our desires locking us into a world of frustration or releasing us into the world of fulfillment?
Why does Prabhupada say that “Consideration of the Paramātmā and impersonal Brahman arose after the creation; before the creation, only the Supreme Personality of Godhead existed.” in Bhag 6.4.47 purport?
15.07 – Completeness comes not by material amelioration or mechanical reconnection, but by emotional redirection
Why does the Gita say that “for a respectable person, dishonor is worse than death” and also say “consider honor and dishonor to be the same”?
When bows-arrows are more cumbersome than machine guns why did the advanced technology of the past use primitive weapons?
If genes dont determine our behavior then why are some features of our behavior similar to our parents?
How should we react to greek “gods” like zeus and what significance do them hold to us in todays life?
Are non-Vedic scriptures approaching God at the level of fear, demigod worship at desire, Visnhu worship at duty and Krishna worship at love?
As Kaikeyi’s demands led to the unfoldment of the Ramayana why is she considered the symbol of ignorance
From the Absolute Platform If Lord Is the Only Purusa, What do words Like Pursottama, Apauresya actually mean?