Why Srila Prabhupad is using “the Lord’s not forgetting” as proof for his having transcendental body?
What is the meaning of the fifth canto – faith in structure of the universe – protecting the sixth canto – faith in the holy name?
If one is unable to follow a regulative principle after many years of chanting, should one give up chanting due to guilt and shame?
How can we access Lord Chaitanya’s mercy in this age when the standards are high and the culture is hostile?
Won’t the parampara message get diluted because the present acharyas are not as powerful as the previous acharyas?
All the vedas and puranas are written by Vyasadeva, then why do they give contradictory accounts of the creation of the universe?
If Krishna says “Go beyond the Vedas” in Bhagavad Gita, then why do we take the Hare Krishna Mantra from the same Vedas?
What is the basis for saying that Arjuna engaged in contemplation according to Gita 2.62-63 when he did not fall down as the verse predicts?
Isn’t our very existence a sin because we kill millions of micro-organisms with every breath? What can we do about it?
When a devotee suffers more than a nondevotee, won’t this send a wrong message to atheists or novice devotees?
How is it that Ajamila was 88 years old when he begot 10th son? Because in Satyayuga peoples life span was 1 lac years?
Isnt it that all the miseries can ultimately be put as Adhi-daivika rather than differentiating them into separate categories.