If women are so attached to their husbands that they die with them during sati, then how will they go back to godhead?
If IIT students despite being intelligent don’t do well in their career, is it because of their past life karma or present life karma?
Will recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama give the blessing of immoral pleasures without sinful reactions?
Why does Srila Prabhupada “bhakti” in Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu as devotion instead of his usual translation “devotional service”?
How can one strengthen his will power and increase his determination? And how to avoid further weakning of the both?
When the soul obviously moves, how do we to explain the Gita 2.24 statement that the soul is immovable?
As the killing of Hiranyakashipu happened before the garlanding of Narasimhadeva by Prahlad Maharaj, why are both depicted in the same picture?
How do we learn from our sufferings in hell and in past lives when we neither remember those sufferings nor the causes of those sufferings?
Should we postpone the chanting of the mahamantra till we are able to follow the regulative principles so as to avoid offenses?
How do we understand when different Vaishnava acharays give different meanings of the same scriptural verse?
What is the role of paramatma in atom, in contrast to paramatma in living entities who guides according to desires?
Krishna has himself given the Vedas; then why does he tell us to go beyond the Vedas in the Gita 2.46?
If the Bible doesn’t have much philosophy, then what do Christians write in the thousands of books that they publish?
If Hiranyakashipu performed austerity for 10,000 years, how was Prahlad just 5 years old when he returned?
If we are served charanamrita while we are taking prasad, can we honor caranamrita with contaminated hands?