As a practicing devotee, which is the medication method recommended, (since ayurvedic treatment is not suitable for emergencies)?
If Srila Prabhupada is an empowered acharya, then why did many of his empowered disciples leave Krishna consciousness after his departure?
It’s said that phalena parichayate. we can know the quality of endeavors by the result. but then we say Krishna doesn’t care about results but our endeavors. Is this not contradictory?
Are the characteristics of the child determined by the soul’s own karma or the consciousness of the parents at the time of conception?
Can corruption be eliminated from human society completely or will it continue till the time of judgement?
How can we trust the Vedas when many Vedic texts have been destroyed and incomplete knowledge is harmful?
Srila Prabhupada’s visionary propagation of India’s spiritual culture: The Power of One Spiritual Indian
Is putting faith in Krishna consciousness like leaping across a chasm with nothing more than the hope that we will make it to the other side?
If consciousness is spiritual, then why is it said to a part of the material field in Chp 13 of the Gita?