Srila Prabhupada – The transcendentalist who embodied the best of traditionalist, existentialist and utopianist
How the Bhagavatam is the means of conquest in material existence – Meditation on narayanam namaskrtya verse
Just as people become obsessed with their mundane heroes, can we become obsessed with our spiritual heroes?
What can we do to protect ourselves from ever sinking to the level of being strengthless and faithless?
Did Krishna protect Draupadi only after she stopped trying to protect herself – does surrender mean we stop trying to do anything?
Do the ends justify the means, as your Mahabharata explanations imply? Won’t that justify terrorism too?
Understanding the unborn’s understandings 1 – How can the embryo with ana undeveloped brain speak prayers?
When duty is a societal construct, why can’t we just follow our heart’s calling without caring for society’s opinion?
How do we know whether we are in harmony with our true nature and God’s plan – what does harmony feel like?