Bhagavatam tenth canto study 64 – 10.11.41-49 For Krishna, killing demons is all in a day’s play, that too before breakfast
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 63 – 10.11.30-40 The extraordinary Lord gave and got joy in ordinary play
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 61 – 10.11.1-9 Vrajavasis doubt Krishna’s supernatural power, but don’t disbelieve it
If we can’t go to heaven in human bodies, how do some kings like Dasharatha fight for the gods in heaven?
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 60 – 10.11.10-18 By giving to Krishna, even if we appear to be losers, we are still gainers
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 59 – 10.10.36-43 The Lord grants not just physical mobility but also spiritual mobility
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 58 – 10.10.28-35 Though God has a body, he is not limited by or to his body
How do we realize that Krishna consciousness is like 5 million dollars and worldly things are like 5 dollars
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 56 – 10.10.15-22 Narada curses to cure the cause of the misbehavior, not just to punish the misbehavior
How are faith and knowledge related – how is faith in the dharmic tradition differnt from faith in Christianity?
For self-control, should we just focus on chosing our desires or should we also chose our situations?
Does the upside-down tree metaphor of Gita chapter 15 imply that there’s a separate tree for each individual soul?
If repression can’t accomplish anything – Gita 03.33 – why should we restrain our senses, Gita 03.34?
When a mother will keep mud away from a child, why does Krishna make lust so easily available in this world?
When analyzing issues, how do we know whether we are putting them in the right context such as material or spiritual?
Centering our life on Krishna – not on the intellectual, the psychological, the social or the cultural