Why do post-modern Leftist scholars in India separate Islam from terrorism but not Hinduism from the caste system?
World Religions 3 – Islam – Beyond the politically correct and the politically incorrect to the philosophically correct
Dumbness is not inability to understand gibberish – it is inability to see gibberish for what it is Gita 18.63
From the karmic perspective what is the difference between ignorant wrongdoings and intentional wrongdoings?
Gita 08.20 Those who reject a world beyond this world sentence themselves to pointless business in this world
If when our mind tells a story and we consult a friend whose mind is telling the same story how can we avoid illusion?
How can we remain respectful to the devatas while describing their non-supreme position or their non-ideal activities?
Gita 16.24 Religious tolerance is better fostered by deeper religious adherence than by greater religious indifference