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Author: Chaitanya Charan
Radical Personalism – Concise Concepts
Various levels of understanding Ramayana
Three components that enable us to implement our resolutions
US elections aftermath – a philosophical perspective
Love can light up our heart this Diwali – Lessons from Ramayana
How to love intelligently – Lessons from Ramayana
When love is not love – Lessons from Ramayana
Is God’s love conditional? – Lessons from Ramayana
Understanding why the Karma doctrine makes sense through a simple analogy of a cricket match
Hope always perseveres for a devotee even when logic or reason falters – Lessons from Ramayana
When Ahalya Was Deceived By Indra Why Was She Cursed
Understanding how lust allures men and women differently
How feminists misread scripture
Understanding the purpose of Srimad Bhagavatam
Understanding why Vedic scriptures consider Rahu as the cause of Eclipses
Similarities and differences in cosmological descriptions of Vedic and modern sources of cosmology
Understanding why Bhagavatam considers Sun to be closer to the earth than the moon
Understanding why Bhagavatam sometimes gives dimensions for earthly objects that is unbelievable
How feminism went overboard
When science seems to falsify scripture how to maintain faith? | Science & Vedas
Bhagavad Gita Overview- Chapter 9
Kolkata Rape: Causes & Solutions – QA with Chaitanya Charan
Changing our habits through bhakti | Vrindavan school
Speaking with realization | Vrindavan youth preachers retreat
Resolving conflicts between Science and Scriptures
Which Gita translation should we read when there are conflicts between different translations?
How do we discern which Gita to read?
Christians are converting to their religions ISKCON is also converting. What’s the difference?
In Vedic context is Varna (caste) system birth based or merit based?
How can the youth of the present age be properly rooted in Vedic culture?
The role of intelligence in regulating our inner world – understanding instincts impulses and mind
Understanding why our mind often makes us misunderstand things
Understanding how the three modes of material nature affect us in our functioning
The mind thinks itself to be very clever but actually mind is quiet foolish
How relationships can elevate and liberate us and how the same relationships may burden and bind us
The complex and unavoidable relationship we share with our mind
When things go wrong acceptance of the situation is vital to deal with the situation effectively
Attachment shrinks our vision whereas detachment expands our vision – HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu
Understanding why should we forgive those who have hurt us?
Emotionally challenging situations are often more difficult to accept than physical ones
Bhagavatam depicts how Bhakti inverts the traditional social hierarchies
Do the Vrajavasis know that Krishna is God or do they not know that he is God?
What should we do when we are instructed to do a service we are not inspired to do?
How to stay determined when our emotions overpower our good intentions?
How can a person coming from difficult family and cultural conditionings grow spiritually?
Why fear is sometimes desirable and good while fearfulness is not? – Chaitanya Charan
Has religion taken a back seat in sophisticated and pious families of India?
One thing we should never do when we are happy and one thing we shouldn’t do when we are angry
Why spiritual evolution is of paramount importance in our lives – Chaitanya Charan
How is the Gita relevant to the present day leaders – Chaitanya Charan
Why is the Gita giving counter-intuitive instructions? – Chaitanya Charan
Demystifying leadership through Gita – Chaitanya Charan
What is the meaning of life? – Chaitanya Charan
Understanding the intricacies of Dharma – Chaitanya Charan
Deconstructing the elements of a balanced speech, which is both sensitive and sensible
Lord Balarama is the best friend of Krishna – Chaitanya Charan
Understanding Arjuna’s ethical dilemma resulting from misdirected identification – Chaitanya Charan
Is Belief In Soul Scientific – Chaitanya Charan
Why do only a few people remember their past lives? How can we remember our previous lives?
The biggest scarcity in the world that is fuelling the anxiety epidemic globally – Chaitanya Charan
Why do we need to be mindful at all? – Chaitanya Charan
How our past can become part of our wisdom that empowers us
How having a worthy purpose can become an inner force that can keep us moving in life
What Should We Do When We Dont Get Any Taste In Chanting Japa
Is atheism rational?
Can atheists be good people and can atheism make people good?
What is willpower? Are some people born with good willpower or can it be developed? Chaitanya Charan
The key to always do the right thing – chose the emotions that carry us in the right direction
Looking at our past in a wholistic way can help us shape our future – Chaitanya Charan
Suicide the often downplayed pandemic – Chaitanya Charan
On anxieties and fears – Chaitanya Charan
On feelings and facts – Chaitanya Charan
Why we act the way we act? – Chaitanya Charan
On perfection and committing mistakes – Chaitanya Charan
What Is Dharma Why Do We Need It And How Do We Choose It – Chaitanya Charan
On Dharma and being ourselves
Wisdom Munches 20: Loss process?
Wisdom Munches 19: Different world view of karma
Wisdom Munches 15: Lord Rama: Destiny-centered or duty-centred?
Wisdom Munches 18: What is fixed in life?
Wisdom Munches 17: Difference between Love & Grateful
Wisdom Munches 16: Why rules for loving God?
Wisdom Munches 14: Krishna’s Love Conditional or Unconditional
Wisdom Munches 13: Why we need good karma to do bad karma
Wisdom Munches 12: From heir to spare: Origin of Duryodhana’s envy
Wisdom Munches 11: Srila Prabhupada’s love for Jagannatha & Jagannatha’s reciprocation
Develop your personal relationship with Krishna (Uddipana explained) | Wisdom Munches 10
The Motivation-Morality quadrant: Understanding 4 kinds of people | Wisdom Munches 9
Why is Lord Jagannatha’s form so unusual? | Wisdom Munches 8 | Chaitanya Charan
Does God ever stop loving us? | Wisdom Munches 7 | Chaitanya Charan
Does Bhagavad-gita teach Advaitavada? | Wisdom Munches 6 | Chaitanya Charan
Does devotion provide a licence for wrongdoing? | Wisdom Munches-5 | Chaitanya Charan
I am a fallen soul | Wisdom Munches 4 | Chaitanya Charan
India Lost World Cup Wisdom Munches 3 Chaitanya Charan
46th Disappearance Day Offering of Shrila Prabhupada | ISKCON Melbourne | Chaitanya Charan
How Can I Serve You? | Wisdom Munches -2 | Chaitanya Charan
God goes with people to Hell | Wisdom to ACT-1 | Chaitanya Charan
Antya 9.27-44 Lord Chaitanya stresses sannyasis noninvolvement in financial matters- Chaitanya Char
Antya 9.13-26 Provoking powerful people over their peculiarities is perilous – Chaitanya Charitamrit
Antya 9.1-12 How beholding Lord Chaitanya filled people with ecstasy – Chaitanya Charitamrita study
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