Bhagavatam-daily 287 – 11.13.20 – Devotees want to know the identity of not just God but also his specific manifestations
When we are in tears, we need self-confidence to deal with it practically – what is the use of chanting?
CC daily 182 – 6.270 – Changing psychological orientation is more important than changing geographical location
Bhagavatam-daily 284 – 11.13.17 – Beware of the sense objects to which you are attracted and those which are attracted to you
Is the idea of focusing on material life instead of spiritual life a deviation from Prabhupadas teachings?
In Bhagavatam canto 2, what is the relation between Parikshitas question and Brahmas listing various avataras?
In Gita 13.24 why does Krishna say that he has spoken about the modes when he hasn’t spoken about them?
Bhagavatam-daily 282 – 11.13.15 – The Kumaras are exalted souls eminently qualified for enlightenment
Gita 18.61 – Krishna doesn’t cause our worldly wandering – he frees us from the cause of that wandering
Bhagavatam-daily 280 – 11.13.13 – Connect regularly with transcendence to prevent sliding into ignorance
Bhagavatam-daily 279 – 11.13.12 – We may be contaminated by the modes, but we dont have to be controlled by them
Bhagavatam-daily 278 – 11.13.11 – Awareness of consequence without alteration of lifestyle is non-transformational
CC daily 174 – 6.260 – The tradition had robust mechanisms for preserving accuracy in scriptural transmission
CC daily 173 – 6.257 – To appreciate a devotional rags-to-riches story, understand what the rags and riches are
Brahma Samhita meditation 2 – Krishna is not just the greatest in a hierarchy but the greatest beyond any hierarchy
CC daily 170 – 6.254 – Sarvabhauma’s prayer expresses his philosophical insight and personal realization
Bhagavatam-daily 271 – 11.13.4 – Observe and alter the ten factors that determine the mode influencing us