Science proves its faith as factual by experiment – so isn’t it a preferable way of gaining knowledge?
Bhagavatam-daily 228 – 11.11.34 – The infinite by his infinite mercy becomes accessible in a finite form to the finite
When our professional and family responsibilities already fill our schedule, why should we take the additional burden of practicing bhakti?
How do we deal with the inner conflict created by having within us both dharmic knowledge and worldly emotions?
When subtle body evolves from nonhuman body to human body, is it right to say that the only evolution is spiritual not material?
CC daily 122 – M 6.174 – Lord Chaitanya turns the impersonalist strategy of maha-vakya on impersonalists
If someone doesn’t have a photographic memory, is that injustice or does it mean he is meant to excel in some field that doesn’t require such a memory?
If someone doesnt have a photographic memory is that injustice or does it mean he is meant to excel in some field that doesnt require such a memory?
CC daily 120 – M 6.172 – Impersonalist interpretation for preserving Vyasas correctness ascribes bigger mistake to him
Bhagavatam-daily 223 – 11.11.29 – Mercy is given from a superior position, but not with a superior disposition
Bhagavatam-daily 222 – 11.11.28 – God is not just the best in a category – he is beyond all categories
Bhagavatam-daily 221 – 11.11.27 – To take the bhakti treatment seriously, boost your faith in Krishnas healing expertise
CC daily 118 – M 6.170 – Parinama vada explains the nature of reality, whereas vivarta vada runs into stone-walls
Bhagavatam-daily 221 – 11.11.27 – To take the bhakti treatment seriously, boost your faith in Krishna’s healing expertise
CC daily 116 – M 6.161-62 – Krishnas form is not a product of illusion but the pathway out of illusion
CC daily 112 – M 6.150-51 – Use arthapatti to reconcile all scripture, not lakshana to reject some scripture
CC daily 110 – M 6.143 – The ablative, instrumental and locative point to the personal Absolute Truth