CC daily 108 – M 6.140-141 – Harmonize the contradictory-seeming scriptural statements by proper comprehension
Bhagavatam-daily 209 – 11.11.14 – Our mentality determines whether we are in the body or are beyond it
CC daily 106 – M 6.130-136 – Giving precendence to secondary meanings over primary subverts scripture’s intent
Gita 04.21 – Nirasha is not disappointment in fulfilling desire, but detachment from the fever to fulfill desire
CC daily 104 – M 6.118-122 – The double use of a pregnant compound word foreshadows the impending transformation
Bhagavatam-daily 204 – 11.11.09 – Maximizing the contact of senses and sense objects is the expressway to entanglement
Bhagavatam-daily 202 – 11.11.07 – Enlightenment means to realize not just our oneness with the Absolute but also our difference
CC daily 99 – M 6.104 – The Lord establishes peace without by demonstrating renunciation of that which disrupts peace within
Does Krishna’s not being able to remember the Gita later in the Mahabharata prove that some higher being spoke the Gita through him?
If tamasic people are attracted to ghastly worshipable forms, then are those who worship Narasimha tamasic?
Bhagavatam first canto study 5 – 1.2.1-1.2.8 – The Bhagavatam’s speaker and subject are radically exalted
CC daily 92 – M 6.73-78 – Sarvabhauma desires to facilitate the Lord’s Vedantic study by re-initiation
Gita 04.04 – Accept responsibility for clear communication – don’t affix blame for unclear communication