Bhagavatam-daily 118 – 11.08.34 – Why desire anyone other than the infallible Lord who delivers eternal happiness
Bhagavatam-daily 117 – 11.08.33 – Contemplate the body’s nature to get a illusion-countering cerebral jolt
Ishopanishad says God’s body has no veins, whereas SB says rivers are the veins of Virat rupa – how to reconcile?
Bhagavatam-daily 115 – 11.08.31 – Giving up the proximate and potent Lord for anyone else is pathetic
Gita 02.38 – To reconcile the Gita’s contradictions, recognize the multi-level nature of its discussions
Gita 02.35 – The variance between our intention and people’s perception causes mortifying misconception
Bhagavatam-daily 110 – 11.08.26 – Depending on anyone except Krishna makes us vulnerable to frustration
Bhagavatam-daily 106 – 11.08.22 – A saint’s learning from a prostitute demonstrates the world’s utilization even amidst the world’s renunciation
When we get answers to doubts about which we pray, should we see those answers as Krishna’s reciprocation?
Can you give an example of unnecessarily provocative presentation of apara-vidya that we should avoid?
How can we give people initial faith so that they can practice para-vidya and experience its potency?
Gita 02.22 – The dress metaphor redefines death not as a miserable termination but as a welcome transition
Bhagavatam-daily 97 – 11.08.13 – Sexual discipline is not fanatical but essential for the spiritually purposeful
Bhagavatam-daily 95 – 11.08.11 – Even when seeking Lakshmi for Narayana, don’t pursue Lakshmi more than pursuing Narayana