Gita 02.46 – Understand multivalence of Veda to grasp how transcending the Vedas fulfills their purpose
Bhagavatam-daily 118 – 11.08.34 – Why desire anyone other than the infallible Lord who delivers eternal happiness
Bhagavatam-daily 117 – 11.08.33 – Contemplate the body’s nature to get a illusion-countering cerebral jolt
Ishopanishad says God’s body has no veins, whereas SB says rivers are the veins of Virat rupa – how to reconcile?
Bhagavatam-daily 115 – 11.08.31 – Giving up the proximate and potent Lord for anyone else is pathetic
Gita 02.38 – To reconcile the Gita’s contradictions, recognize the multi-level nature of its discussions
Gita 02.35 – The variance between our intention and people’s perception causes mortifying misconception
Bhagavatam-daily 110 – 11.08.26 – Depending on anyone except Krishna makes us vulnerable to frustration
Bhagavatam-daily 106 – 11.08.22 – A saint’s learning from a prostitute demonstrates the world’s utilization even amidst the world’s renunciation