If we dont understand something in the Gita should we re-read it till we understand before going ahead?
Bhagavatam-daily 45 – 11.07.35 – Shelter comes not by ritual formalization but by learning disposition
Bhagavatam-daily 44 – 11.07.34 – Learning attitude ensures that we learn not just occasionally but constantly
Bhagavatam-daily 40 – 11.07.30 – Saintly association impels us to question our definition of happiness
Bhagavatam-daily 39 – 11.07.29 – Burning oneself to feel the relief of coming out of fire is not pleasure
Gita 03.16 – Absorption in higher things that connects us with the highest reality brings the highest happiness
Bhagavatam-daily 21 – 11.07.11 – When there’s no impurity, right action comes spontaneously, not intellectually
Where exactly is the pleasure of sex: in our mind, in our body’s hormonal secretion or in the other person’s body?