When today spiritual masters can’t personally instruct disciples about their services, how can we best serve Krishna?
When Krishna loves his devotees and can check karma, why do scriptures describe as karma being the cause of their suffering
Different approaches to Gita study: historical, literary, philosophical, revelational, descriptive, prescriptive
When different acharyas write books according to time-place-circumstances, how will Prabhupada books be lawbooks for ten thousand years?
How should we respond to classes that seem confusing and contradictory to the standard philosophical understanding
How should we counter when a respected ex-SC judge says that scripture contains poetic exaggerations?
When a mother stops a child from doing something harmful why does Krishna not stop the soul from wrongdoing?
Is the insignificance of the duration of evil from an eternal perspective the only explanation for evil?
If misery is caused by misidentification, then why is there not just mental pain but also physical pain?
When Krishna says that the knowledge in disciplic succession was lost, weren’t the four sampradayas available at that time?
If Arjuna was superior to Karna, why does Bhagavatam say he was a small fish in an ocean of giant fishes?