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Can devotees read books like “7 habits of highly successful people” to learn to better organize their lives so that they can serve Krishna better?

From: Upendra baliga

hare krishna prabhuji , i just wanted to ask if being devotees we can study and make use of a non devotional book called “7 habits of highly sucessful people”. since i have heard and seen a few topics of the book , which might really help in trying to balance our spiritual life and material life . i felt that being in the initial stages of krishna conciousness i immaturely surrender to krishna and when things go wrong due to dis-organisation or lack of proper management , i soon become frustrated in life , so i was wondering if we can use the tips in that book and apply in my life , so that i can better manage my spiritual life and material life , just like rupa goswami talks about YUKTA VAIRAGYA . i realsie that its krishna’s mercy ultimately to give us proper intel to manage things , but i felt i must do my best and taking things favourable for devotional service from that book , is also trying to do my best! please give me your advice . 

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