If a person for whom we have prayed a lot with magical results suddenly claims that we have done nothing for them, how can we respond?
When Krishna offers multiple levels to connect with him how to avoid the tendency to connect at the easiest level?
Is the spiritual master an eternally liberated soul or a soul who has become purified by spiritual practice?
How do we differentiate between tolerating a situation by being patient or just leaving the situation because we are getting too much hurt?
If we are working wholeheartedly in our material life but can’t work similarly in our spiritual life what can we do–Hindi
If our mind feels suffocated due to difficulties on multiple fronts, is it ok to compromise on some spiritual standards?
I was born in another Vaishnava tradition, but I find Krishna consciousness more logical; if I take to Krishna consciousness ,am I being unfaithful to my birth tradition?
QA on humility 7 – Is spirituality meant to make us feel good. Or does spiritual growth require us to feel bad?
How can we dedicate more of our wealth and time to serve Krishna when those are needed for our family responsibilities?
If the spiritual master does not know about the service of a disciple, then how does the disciple get the spiritual master’s mercy?