When we are unable to express our questions should we just wait for purification to remove that doubt?
If Vaishnava traditions with an understanding of Gods relationship with the world different from that of the Gaudiyas can take their followers back to godhead how important is this understanding for us as practicing Gaudiyas?
Prabhupada says Brahma falls whereas Haridas Thakura doesnt but they are the same. Then why the difference? person
If one can chant the name of Allah or Jesus with love and reach God, then why cant one chant the name of Ganesh or Shiva with love and reach Him?
Does the fact that whatever happens to us is a result of our own karma imply that we passively accept whatever happens to us or not bother about the results on others of what we do?
If aquatics are lower than plants in the Vedic evolutionary scale then why is eating aquatics forbidden and eating plants allowed?
What should be done when during pregnancy the life of the mother is under threat and doctors recommend abortion?
When Brahma is an incarnation of the Lord. then how can he be illusioned by maya and how can a person become Bramha?
How should we respond to stories of Krishna miraculously intervening in the life of some contemporary devotee?
What should be the attitude of devotees towards conspiracy theories like say 9-11 was staged by America?
Is the Virat Rupa Real or False? If it is false then was Vamanadeva’s revelation to Bali Maharaj false?
When senior devotees speak and act in ways that are uninspiring or disturbing how should we see and respond?
Intelligence is the representation of Paramatma,then why does our intelligence sometimes fail to take the right decision?
If pure devotees know everything from all perspectives then why do they have differences as in different commentaries?
When we are 100% spiritual we see everything as spiritual. Then what is the difference between material and spiritual?
Is India’s dismal sports performance due to India being in the mode of goodness and sports being in passion?
As devotion is a matter of the heart, does it matter whether one wears dhoti-kurta – saree or T-shirt & jeans?
If a person stays in coma with expensive instrumental support for many days, how long should the relatives continue the support?
How can we avoid labelling situations when say we go broke and still stay fixed in remembrance of Krishna?
How were Jatayu and Sampatti able to fly towards the sun when there is no air in the space intervening between the earth and the sun?
Why did Yudhishthira consider the wicked Dhritrashtra as a respectable elder who had to be obeyed? Why didnt he consult Krishna?