What is the difference between freedom from material modes and freedom from reactions of fruitive activities?
If a person is not interested in spiritual world and is interested only in material enjoyment, what should be done?
Harer Namashtakam 8 – Let the world go to the background and let the holy name come the foreground of consciousness
Krishna says that he is the taste of water, but science says water is tasteless. How can we reconcile this?
What is the meaning of the word “Srila Prabhupada”? Why did only Prabhupada get this title but no present spirirtual masters?
How can we know the authenticity of the teachings of saints like Sant Dnyaneshwar and Samartha Ramdas Swami?
What exactly are the stages of sravana, manah and nidhidhyasan (hearing, contemplation and assimilation)?
In one of his purports, Srila Prabhupada says that woman likes a man who is very expert at rape. How can we understand that?
Is it described in scriptures that one can get moksha or mukti only by getting a deep or bath in ganga river?
How to be patient with both preaching as well as our work or studies when everyone around you is running after to get things instantly?
Why does Bhagavatam say that it is dangerous for men to associate with women and not for women to associate with men?
Why is chanting of thousand names of Visnu equivalent to once chanting Rama and three names of Rama equivalent to once chanting Krishna ?
If it is told in the Vedas that “Krishnas tu bhagavan svayam” then why do other Vaishnav sampradaya worship Vishnu and not Krishna?
How could Airavata, the elephant-carrier of Indra, have emerged from the churning of the ocean when the Bhagavatam states that Airavata was already Indra’s carrier in the battle before the churning?
When Kali-yuga is going to end only after 4,27,000 years, why do some devotees quote mundane prophecies about imminent world destruction?
Why does Prabhupada say in Bhagavad Gita 2.62 purport that Lord Shiva is not able to control his senses?
Is a devotee-householder who earns a living and contributes a part to Krishna’s service practicing karma-yoga or bhakti-yoga?
If women are so attached to their husbands that they die with them during sati, then how will they go back to godhead?
If IIT students despite being intelligent don’t do well in their career, is it because of their past life karma or present life karma?
Will recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama give the blessing of immoral pleasures without sinful reactions?