Why blame the violence in Soviet Russia on atheism when it was caused by economic and political factors?
Lust when unfulfilled leads to anger does that means the short tempered have excessive lust that is un satisfied
When Dhruva already had darshan of Vishnu, how could be become disproportionately angry at the Yakshas?
How can we know when we are renouncing because of spiritual attraction and when because of material aversion?
If my family strongly opposes some devotional principles such as not eating onion-garlic, what should I do?
When non-literal interpretations often lead to misinterpretations why do scripture contain them – and how much should we use them?
Shouldn’t the desire for sense gratification go down in those who are advancing in Krishna consciousness?
Can near-death experiences be induced in everyone so they can be become repeatable experimental evidence?
Is faith a cognitive function like memory or motivation or mood – can it be altered by neurochemical processes?
When does philosophical speculation change to mental speculation – what makes certain explanations of scripture unacceptable? (Vedic wisdom)
Why did Vidura not instruct Dhritarashtra to apologize to the Pandavas and to thereby become offense-free for practicing bhakti?
If we resolve to wake up at a particular time and wake up at that time without an alarm, is that due to our subconscious mind?
How can motivate us to move on in our spiritual life – can the saints’ realizations inspire – don’t we need our own experiences?
Can you explain the concepts of anvaya and vyatireka practically and as explained in Bhagavatam 3.9.36?
While struggling with conditionings how can we avoid the extremes of becoming hopeless and becoming shameless?