When the holy name is self-fulfilling, why do we need other things such as elaborate analysis of the mind?
Would a Prabhupada-bot, an artificial intelligence system that knows all of Prabhupada’s works, be equivalent to him or his books?
If Krishna’s love is unconditional, why didn’t he help Draupadi till she raised both her hands in surrender?
If Krishna takes hundred steps towards us when we take one step towards him, is he partial or impartial?
If genetically modified bacteria could clean the polluted Yamuna river, is that technology still bad?
How can I see spiritually my scientific research for solving serious problems such as incurable diseases?
For devotees practicing bhakti in the West, is it better to educate our children in India or in the West?
Gita 01.46 The significance of our actions depends not just on the actions but also on the situations in which we do those actions
Are ritvikas who reject Krishna’s pure devotees better or worse than the Mayavadis who reject Krishna’s personal form?
Gita 01.42 Disruption of dharma leads to overpopulation of disruptive souls, causing total breakdown of dharma
Gita 01.39 Our sense of honor coming from our lineage can raise us but can also stop us from rising to the highest
Gita 01.36 The ethical tension between kula-dharma and kshatriya-dharma leads to emotional over-reaction and physical inaction
Ramayana series 3 – Shurapanakha’s manipulativeness – Exploiting others’ weaknesses doesn’t make us strong
Ramayana series 1 – Comparing Dasharatha and Dhritarashtra – What we do is not as important as why we do it
Govardhana lila lessons – Krishna disempowers and empowers – and opens channels for reciprocating love
Gita 01.34 To retaliate and cause death requires courage, but to not retaliate at the cost of one’s own death requires greater courage
Diwali meditation 4 – Govardhana Puja – Celebrate the bounty of nature with bountiful offerings to nature and the Lord of nature
Diwali meditation 3 – Bali Pratipada – Surrendering everything fills our heart with the Lord of everything
When we feel that we can’t do something, how can we know that our mind is not keeping us in comfort zone?
Gita 01.30 When we face challenges bigger than ourselves, we look for omens to sense the intentions of forces bigger than ourselves
Even God can’t help those who don’t want to be helped – Dhritarashtra’s physical and metaphysical blindness