Gita 18.67 Though ultimately every heart longs for divine love, not every heart is presently ready for divine love
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 23 – Others’ past bad karma doesn’t rationalize our present misdeeds towards them
Gita 18.62 The deepest peace comes by not an external serene situation but by an internal spiritual connection
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 20 -10.3.47-53 Just as the ocean gave way to Rama, Yamuna gave way to Krishna
Gita 18.57 Take shelter of the intelligence to convince yourself of the need to take Krishna’s shelter
If we should be purpose-driven, not goal-driven, why do we set goals for new devotees to increase their rounds?
How the pre-modern, modern and post-modern ages respectively stressed the spiritual, physical and mental
Gita 18.50 The Gita’s purpose is not to describe spiritual paths but to analyze them for making an informed choice
Gita 18.49 Our spiritual evolution goes through multiple levels of perfection from engagement through disengagement to devotion
From ritual to spiritual 3 – Analysis of Krishna’s pastime with the ritualistic brahmanas – The brahmanis selfless devotion
Increasing willpower – by increasing the distance between us and our feelings, and our feeling and our actions
Gita 18.45 Inclusive spirituality centers on rejection of work, but on its reconceptualization and redirection
From ritual to spiritual 2 – Analysis of Krishna’s pastime with the ritualistic brahmanas – Understanding the brahmans
Dhruva pastime analysis 1 – Everyone faces distress, the fortunate find the right direction – DHRUV acronym
Gita 18.42 Brahmanas cultivate material material regulation and spiritual redirection by intellectual conviction