Bhagavatam tenth canto study 19 – 10.3.39-46 Omnipotent Krishna can act through transcendental or normal means
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 18 – 10.3.32-38 How past life connections make sense of present-life situations
Gita 18.40 To attain harmony with our spiritual nature, we need engagement that is in harmony with our psychophysical nature
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 17 – 10.3.26-31 Devaki acknowledges Krishna as the provider of the supreme safety and strives for his safety
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 16 – 10.3.20-25 The divine’s complexion is sometimes a description and sometimes a signification
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 15 – 10.3.11-19 Krishna’s appearance dissipates the darkness without and within
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 14 – 10.3.1-10 The celestial, terrestrial and psychological characteristics that celebrate the Lord’s appearance
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 13 – 10.2.37-42 Why the unborn Lord is born is both inferable and inconceivable
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 12 – 10.2-31-36 Krishna’s lotus feet make the insurmountable material ocean insignificant
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 11 – 10.2.25-30 The devatas glorify the true nature of the Absolute Truth
Gita 18.34 When one worldly desire trumps all other material desires, what results is determination in passion
Bhagavatam study 109 1.19.34-40 When God remains anonymous through coincidences devoteees identify and glorify him
When people are so confused that they can’t discern their own material inclinations, how can we engage them in bhakti?
Bhagavatam study 108 1.19.25-33 Devotee’s attractiveness attracts people to Krishna’s supreme attractiveness
Should we fast on every acharya’s appearance and disappearance – how important is austerity in bhakti?
Gita 18.31 Confusing between long-term purposes and short-term pleasures characterizes intelligence in passion
Bhagavatam study 106 1.19.13-18 Our personal deliberation and our mentor consultation can be complementary, not contradictory
Are some sections of the scriptures outdated? – Understanding the compassionate intent of the Vedas 2
Bhagavatam study 104 1.19.1-6 If sinful reaction rectifies sinful mentality, then the reaction is auspicious, not inauspicious
Should we correct devotees and become a bad guy in their eyes or just turn a blind eye to their wrongdoings?
Bhagavatam study 101 1.18.31-36 Presuming that we know God’s will and are doing his work is presumptuous and dangerous
Bhagavatam study 99 1.18.18-23 The unlimited has unlimited potency to purify us of our unlimited sins
Gita 18.22 Knowledge in ignorance makes us obsessed with one fragment of reality and one kind of action
As devotees in Vaikuntha know the Lord’s position whereas those in Goloka don’t, is the influence of Yoga-Maya lesser in Vaikunta – Hindi?