Gita 18.20 Seeing commonality alone is not vision in goodness – seeing spirituality as the foundation of commonality is
Bhagavatam study 95 1.17.37-42 Undestanding how restricting area of residence is a form of punishment
Bhagavatam study 94 1.17.31-36 Adharama-bandhu Kali can’t be allowed to live in the kingdom of Dharma-raja pautra
Bhagavatam study 93 1.17.24-30 Avoid both extremes of taking everything in scripture only literally or only metaphorically
Were past sages more spiritually advanced that they could live in seclusion whereas we need relationships to grow spiritually?
Bhagavatam study 85 1.17.13-18 Parikshit M delighted in his spiritual opulence, not his material opulence
Why does the Bhagavatam say that literature glorifying Krishna is imperfectly composed when such literature is meant to attract people to Krishna?
Gita 18.08 Desire for bodily pleasure and fear of bodily trouble both keep us in the cage of bodily consciousness
Gita 18.06 Karmic bondage is like emotional dependence – focus not just on the action but also on the motivation
Bhagavatam study 82 1.15.45-51 Our spirituality is our responsibility, not anyone else’s responsibility
Bhagavatam study 81 1.15.38-44 Responsibly hand over material responsibility to take up spiritual responsibility
Gita 18.05 To be mana-isha, we need not just a mana free from ishvara-bhava, but a mana fixed on ishvara
Gita 18.03 Gita 18.03 Appreciate others thoughtfulness even if it doesn’t lead to the best conclusion
Philosophically, are certain activities in certain modes – is fighting in passion or can it be in goodness?
Gita 17.27 Sat is not just a word for recitation – it is a conviction to cultivated and infused into action