Why do post-modern Leftist scholars in India separate Islam from terrorism but not Hinduism from the caste system?
World Religions 3 – Islam – Beyond the politically correct and the politically incorrect to the philosophically correct
Dumbness is not inability to understand gibberish – it is inability to see gibberish for what it is Gita 18.63
From the karmic perspective what is the difference between ignorant wrongdoings and intentional wrongdoings?
Gita 08.20 Those who reject a world beyond this world sentence themselves to pointless business in this world
If when our mind tells a story and we consult a friend whose mind is telling the same story how can we avoid illusion?
How can we remain respectful to the devatas while describing their non-supreme position or their non-ideal activities?
Gita 16.24 Religious tolerance is better fostered by deeper religious adherence than by greater religious indifference
Gita 16.09 Developing better HD streaming may be individually meaningful but consuming what is streamed is hardly ever so
When we are in a position of guiding others how can we know how much to control them and how much to let them go?
If we are already middle-aged do we still have enough time to counter our bad karma by practicing bhakti?
Science can’t address God’s existence and spirituality can’t prove it – how then can science and spirituality be reconciled?
If senior devotees chanting for many years still have conditionings does that mean conditionings are stronger than the holy name?
Gita 16.24 Absolute Knowledge doesn’t have to be dogmatic and open-mindedness doesn’t have to relativize everything