Is science not needed to help people see the truth of Vedas as people want practical proofs that science can offer?
Science proves its faith as factual by experiment – so isn’t it a preferable way of gaining knowledge?
When our professional and family responsibilities already fill our schedule, why should we take the additional burden of practicing bhakti?
How do we deal with the inner conflict created by having within us both dharmic knowledge and worldly emotions?
If someone doesn’t have a photographic memory, is that injustice or does it mean he is meant to excel in some field that doesn’t require such a memory?
If someone doesnt have a photographic memory is that injustice or does it mean he is meant to excel in some field that doesnt require such a memory?
Gita 04.21 – Nirasha is not disappointment in fulfilling desire, but detachment from the fever to fulfill desire
Does Krishna’s not being able to remember the Gita later in the Mahabharata prove that some higher being spoke the Gita through him?
If tamasic people are attracted to ghastly worshipable forms, then are those who worship Narasimha tamasic?