Shikshashtakam 2 – The life of knowledge, the ocean of happiness and the complete nectar and bath (Part 2)
Are attempts to interpret ancient Rathas in the Vedas as hi-tech cars misinterpretations of scripture?
When the word ‘Bhagavan’ is used in scripture for sages and demigods why does Prabhuapda say it should be reserved only for God
If all equations including those of quantum physics are thoughts of God, why does quantum physics not make sense?
Those converted by force sometimes later become fanatical followers of that religion. How then is such conversion inconsequential?
If heavenly planets exist at a higher level does that mean there exist elements other than the eight elements?
When science is being misused to propagate atheism, isn’t it the responsibility of devotees to counter that by scientific outreach?
How do we balance between remaining faithful to Srila Prabhupada and presenting according to time-place-circumstances?
When different devotees quote Srila Prabhupada’s different quotes to support their positions, how can we know what he would have wanted?
When today spiritual masters can’t personally instruct disciples about their services, how can we best serve Krishna?
When Krishna loves his devotees and can check karma, why do scriptures describe as karma being the cause of their suffering
Different approaches to Gita study: historical, literary, philosophical, revelational, descriptive, prescriptive