Does a sudden tragedy in the lives of God’s worshipers indicates that God is too busy in his own kingdom to protect?
When we are attracted to material things through our senses, whereas Krishna is spiritual, how can Krishna be considered all-attractive?
Why does the Gita use a setting of war to convey its transcendental message when such a setting can be abused to provoke communal violence?
Why do we say that lust needs to be curbed when it can be channelized towards Krishna as Narottama Das Thakura says?
Why does Krishna emphasise consciousness at death which is much more uncontrollable than consciousness while living?
When Krishna had said he wouldn’t lift weapons in the Kurukshetra war, why does he say in Gita 11.33 that the Kauravas are already killed by him?
If consciousness of the couple at conception determines the nature of the child, will a child born through rape be evil?
Does Krishna control us through remembrance and forgetfulness just as computer controls through zeroes and ones?
What is the significance of the two metaphors of rivers and moths used in the Gita’s description of warriors entering into the Universal Form
In shabda pramana we receive knowledge from our senses (ears), so how is it superior to pratyaksha pramana?
How have so many languages come up worldwide when developing a computer language requires so much effort?
Does one have to give up one’s material life on becoming an ISKCON member, even if one doesn’t become a brahmachari?
If the suffering of great devotees is for their glorification why does Bhishma say Pandavas’ suffering is due to time?
Why was Kunti’s unknowing statement ‘share whatever you have brought’ considered absolute and Draupadai married to all the Pandavas?
When different religious groups have their own scriptures how is the authority of Vaishnava scriptures to be established?
How to choose between doing our worldly repsonsibilities devotionally and doing directly devotional activities?
If we have canine teeth for eating meat, then doesn’t it go against the regulative principle of no meat-eating?
Are the intelligence and ego just transformations of the mind or are they constitutionally different?
While writing articles should we write about topics connected with our personal lives or about unconnected topics?