Does our seeking end after we find God as the Bible indicates or continue forever as Gaudiya Vaishnavism indicate?
Why does Prabhupada translate bhakti in Bhaktirasamritasindhu as ‘devotion’ instead of ‘devotional service’?
Why does Ambarish M consider his wealth to be material when he knows that it can be used in Krishna’s service?
When Dhruva Maharaj was going BTG and had got a spiritual body, how could he remember a material relationship such as that with his mother?
When South Indian brahmins are famous as learnt, why does Chaitanya lila depict an illiterate South Indian brahmin?
During preaching, how important is it to provide relevant material information in addition to the paramapara’s message?
If the son practices bhakti, then will his non-devotee parents’ get a good next-life destination due to their son’s bhakti?
How is Draupadi’s polygamy justified especially when it involves the same man being required to see her alternately as wife and as sister-in-law?
How to see spiritual organizations that are largely Vaishnava except for considering their founder as an incarantion?
If someone is following an Abrahamic religion, should we encourage them to follow that religion or to take up Krishna consciousness?
If Prahlada learnt bhakti by hearing from Narada in his mother’s womb, why did Narada say to the devatas before this that the child in the womb is a great devotee?
Did Hiranyakashipu not know that Vishnu lived in the Kshira-sagara? Why did he ask Prahlad where Vishnu was and whether he was in the pillar?
Narasimhadeva told Prahlad that 21 generations of his family had been delivered, then how did Bali become such a demon that Vamanadeva himself had to come to deliver him?
We often feel like doing different things in bhakti at different times – how can we steadily maintain interest in one thing?
When scriptures usually refer to Vishnu, do they refer to Maha-vishnu, Garbhodakshayi Vishnu or Kshirodakshayi Vishnu?
If our svarupa happens to be in dasya, how will be satisfied in that svarupa now that we know madhurya is highest?
While using a talent such as music for Krishna how can we transfer our attachment from that talent to Krishna?
How is Draupadi’s polygamy be justified especially when the Pandavas have to sometimes see her as a wife and at other times as sister-in-law?
Is conscience always the voice of the Supersoul? Does everyone’s conscience tell them that meat-eating is wrong?
If one has not had the habit of reading books but likes to hear, how can one develop that habit in bhakti?
Narasimhadeva’s instructions (SB 07.10.01-23) – Balancing the aspiration for pure devotion with practical action
When a disciple whose guru falls doesn’t have to be re-initiated because of being connected with Prabhupada why can’t the same happen without initation in the first place?
When ISKCON’s diksha-guru is not absolute but is subordinate to GBC due to Prabhupada’s will, doesn’t that make Prabhupada ISKCON’s diksha-guru?
Narasimha Katha Hindi 1 – SB 07.08.01-08 – Arrogant Hiranyakashipu confronts gentle but firm Prahlada
Should Indian devotees preach to Indians and Western devotees preach to Westerners so as to have culturally sensitive presentations of Krishna-bhakti?
How can I protect my bhakti when I go home and am with my pre-bhakti friends with whom I had indulged in bad habits?
Why does the Lakshmi Narasimha karavalambam stotra focus more on misery of material existence than the glory of Narasimhadeva?
Narasimha Kavacha 2 – Verses 9-20 – Remember the Lord for protection of all bodily limbs and from all directions
How are the feelings of victory and adventure Krishna’s opulences, especially when people get those feelings in illicit activities such as gambling?
Value Education and Spirituality 6 – The Spiritual Foundation of Values 4 – Let secularism protect us from narrow-mindedness, not restrict us in empty-mindedness
Value Education and Spirituality 5 – The Spiritual Foundation of Values 3 – Three non-sectarian arguments for the existence of God
Value Education and Spirituality 4 – The Spiritual Foundation of Values 2 – Karma shows the sense in life’s seeming senselessness
Value Education and Spirituality 8 – Mahabharata 2 – Duryodhana – Envy leads to destructive competition that is dissatisfying and degrading
Value Education and Spirituality 7 – Mahabharata 1 – Shakuni – Imaginary expectation leads to real destruction
When Ashwatthama’s Brahmastra is charging towards Arjuna how does he get time to do achmana and offer prayers to Krishna before countering it?
Are devotees being told to be too other-worldly that something so simple as voting is made into such a big issue?
Why is Parikshit considered the sole survivor of the Pandava dynasty when sons of Bhima and Arjuna like Sutasoma and Babruvahana were still alive?
Why doesn’t ISKCON practice what it preaches? First new devotees are told to be detached from their parents and then senior brahmacharis spend months caring for their dying parents
Can you explain the difference in the defects of being illusioned and committing mistakes as illustrated through the evolution theory?
Are the demigod worshipers in Gita 9.15 different from normal karma kandis because the Gita refers to them as jnanis?
Was Hitler interested in India’s ancient spiritual culture? If yes, then why was he so hateful towards Jews?
Is it right to feel envious of advanced devotees for their spiritual advancement? If not, how to deal with it?
Does Krishna initiate us to do punya? Did he initiate Dhritarashtra to do punya for getting 100 sons?
If the Gita is a transcendental literature, then why does the Gita Mahatmya glorify the attainment of heavenly planets?
Did Prabhupada want to re-write Bhagavad Gita As It Is because he worked very fast to publish it quickly?
Why doesn’t Srila Prabhupada mention even once in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is that we should chant 16 rounds of Hare Krsna Mahamantra?
Can chanting Hare Krsna help one to assimilate the knowledge of the scriptures more efficiently? How?
Does Gita 2.47 ma phasehu kadachana mean that we don’t have a right to obtain the result or a right to enjoy the result?
How exactly are “those in Krishna consciousness not responsible for their actions”, as Prabhupada states?
How can we reconcile the Gita (3.4) – don’t give up work – and the Bhagavatam (1.5.17) – give up work?