Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura – Devotion enriched with erudition leaves a rich legacy to attract innumerable hearts to Krishna
Is niyoga – begetting children through some man other than one’s husband – an authorized Vedic practice?
Isn’t it better to refer to women as behenji instead of mataji especially when they are of the same age as the men?
If both Krishna and we are eternal, then how is he our source and why don’t we have the six opulences fully?
Amidst life-threatening situations like attack by robbers, should a devotee tolerate, retaliate or flee?
If a person feels spaced out after chanting 16 rounds daily and more focused after chanting less rounds, what should be done?
If devotees’ children are advanced devotees from past lives, why do many of those children not become devotees in this life?
Should we avoid offering obeisances to senior devotees in public places because people find it alienating
When Krishna is satisfied by simple devotion do we need technical intellectual analysis as done by Gita-daily articles?
Vedic Conception of God is beyond polytheism, monotheism and henotheism ( SB 06 03 05 at ISKCON Juhu)
Pushya Abhishek – The festival of sensory spirituality demonstrates the beauty of Krishna and the glory of bhakti
Are the beliefs “kshatriya martyrs attain heaven” & “jehadi suicide bombers attain paradise” different?
As Brahma has come as Haridasa Thakura what is the meaning of the statement that Maya could tempt Brahma but not Haridas Thakura?