Kunti’s prayers (1.8.23-1.8.27) – Krishna’s inconceivable protection contradicts our material preconceptions
Kunti’s prayers (1.8.18-1.8.22) – Krishna’s inconceivable position can be understood by simple devotion
Why do jnanis say that bhakti is for the less intelligent and Prabhupada say that only the intelligent can take to bhakti?
When Yudhisthira says that only foolish people seek worldly things in the famous “ascharyam” verse, why does he seek a kingdom?
Was Yudhisthira the most immoral among all the Pandavas because he gambled away all of them and even their innocent wife?
Can ISKCON devotees participate in social causes like anti-corruption activism or do they have to only cultivate and teach pure devotion?
To present KC from a contemporary intellectual perspective which all books of Prabhupada’s followers can I read?
If we get angry with our children while trying to guide them about right or wrong, is that due to controlling mentality? How can we best guide them?
If my sva-dharma is not favourable for my bhakti, then can I accept another dharma favourable for my bhakti?
As the world judges us by actions not dispositions how can we avoid the confusion caused by wrong judgments?
How much importance should devotee-parents give for the material education of their children, especially preparing them for competitive exams etc?
Kunti’s prayers (1.8.28-1.8.31) – Krishna gives up his supremacy so that love can reign supreme (Hindi)
When Uddhava already had so much knowledge about Krishna, why did Krishna send him to learn from the Vrajavasis?
When Jayadratha didn’t actually kill Abhimanyu, why did Arjuna target him to avenge Abhimanyu’s death?
How can we rectify an offense, especially when the devotee whom we have offended doesn’t know about the offense?
Tulasi Shalagram Vivaha – The inconceivable manifestation of the love between the Lord and the devotee
How is the Vaishnava assertion that the world is like a dream different from the Advaita rejection of the world as unreal?
Wasn’t it fanatical of Lord Chaitanya to punish Chhota Haridas so severely for such a minor transgression?
If a senior brahmachari changes his ashrama, how should we understand that situation and deal with that devotee?
If dharma leads to artha, then why do devotees have financial difficulties and what does Krishna’s special mercy of taking away artha mean?
Does the Dashavatara conception – with aquatics in the start, semi-humans in the middle and humans in the end – support the theory of evolution?
If Padma Purana is written by Vyasadeva then how can the Damodarashtakam in it Purana be composed by Satyavrata Muni?
What is the meaning of the Gita 6.44 statement that the advanced yogi goes beyond the range of Vedic sound?
When adharma continues to exist in the world, what does it mean to say that the Lord’s mission is complete?
Why do we talk about the benefits of chanting when we are meant to chant selflessly for Krishna’s pleasure?
Is our capacity to practice devotional service limited by our prarabhda karma and the resulting guna configuration?
Who has the proof or knowledge that incredibly well-designed natural crystals, the natural arches, or even complicated biological things were designed by someone ‘intelligent’?
If the mechanisms of evolution are just imagination, then isn’t religion also just the imagination of some sages?
Does the spirit soul remain the non-doer in the spiritual world just like he is the non-doer of his activities in the material world?