Gita Overview Mumbai 11.1-23 The background to understand Vishva-rupa – Yoga aishvarya to rupa aishvarya
Is ISKCON’s claim for a paramapara connection to understand the Gita not an attempt to monopolize the Gita?
Does the Gita’s instruction that we work without expecting results mean that we work without salaries?
Why did Krishna say to Arjuna that he had not shown the Universal Form to anyone else when he had shown it to Yashoda and Duryodhana?
As devotees are sincerely trying to live according to principles can the mithyachari Gita verse 3.6 be applied to them?
Are there clear references to “love” in the Gita? Are the words “devotional service” and “love” synonymous?
Gita Study Mumbai 2012 10.1-10.11 Knowledge about Krishna – the rarity the speciality and the methodology
Gita Study Mumbai 2012 Gita 9.16-9.25 The Krishna factor in worship of the Universal Form and demigods
Why Srila Prabhupad is using “the Lord’s not forgetting” as proof for his having transcendental body?
If Krishna says “Go beyond the Vedas” in Bhagavad Gita, then why do we take the Hare Krishna Mantra from the same Vedas?
What is the basis for saying that Arjuna engaged in contemplation according to Gita 2.62-63 when he did not fall down as the verse predicts?
Gita Study Mumbai 2012 05.01-08: How Krishna subtly but surely changes Arjuna’s conceptions about the hierarchy of karma yoga and jnana yoga
Gita study Mumbai 2012- 03.31-36 The middle way between total supression and unrestricated expression